~ 1.03 ~

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"One could here Eddisan arguing with his Admin behind a closed door before he was pushed out, something like "THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD" following after and the door shutting. The blonde cursed under his breath and walked over to Tomas, a small swish being heard with every step he took. Looking up with a noticeable blush, it was clear that the male was wearing a light red dress with a rose in his hair and his hair out. His piercings were small hoops instead of studs and his lips were coated in red. "H...Hey,, T...T...Tomas,,,"

"...Hi." He lowly responded, a part of him not as impressed, another part highly surprised. The 'void-eyed' male was stone struck by this, stiffening up his posture slightly as he arched an eyebrow at what happened to Eddisan. His imprint of sorts glow fluttering for a moment before it faded off, his mouth agape, taking in this fairly awkward situation. Falling silent, the male shrugged and crossed his arms.
"...Does 'Admin' /always/ have to make stuff embarrassing for you-" He randomly questioned.

To make matters worse, Hellucard in the background teased with an alluring whistling as a way to joke around with this, rewarding him with an abrupt glare from Tomas.

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