~ 0.18 ~

21 5 1

Freezeyxurbrain :

"*helps the poor baby*"

After a full three minutes of banging on the door, and a small cut on his arm from a needle, somebody from the other side finally opened up the door and the brunette nearly broke down, not wanting to speak about this to anybody, however he did do something that was uncommon. His fist punched the wall behind him and he cowered to himself.

"Matt *fights the clown* are you okay?"

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod-" was all Matt was capable of sputtering, threatening to collapse on his savior as he whimpered softly and glanced away, before glancing back at them. "....Yeah, I am..."

//Now the only two left to save are Tori and Tom-

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