~ 0.45 ~

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"( I used Google translate for this since I don't understand Portuguese)
*clears throat real quick* your gonna have to use Google translate for this....

Alguém uma vez me disse que o mundo ia rolar-me, ela estava olhando meio mudo com seu dedo e polegar na forma de um L em sua testa, bem os anos começam a chegar e eles não param de vir alimentado com as regras e eu bati no chão correndo não faz sentido não viver por diversão seu cérebro fica inteligente, mas sua cabeça fica mudo"

Listening well to the warning, Mattie was reading over the words that Google Translate had provided on his laptop. "..Someone once told me that the world was going to roll me, she was looking half dumb with her finger and thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead. Well, the years begin to arrive and don't stop...Wait, what?" he stopped reading the sentences there, and Tomas facepalmed.

"..They sang the damn song in Portuguese, freaking underhanded." He shook his head, and Ederek silently chuckled, although his mind waltzed back to the fact that a sprinting guy just kidnapped Torsion.

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