~ 0.83 ~

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"-throws a neko Tordin and Mattias-

What do you do? :0"

In a corner inside what seemed to be Tomas' apartment room, the gang was busy discussing what to do with the neko boys.

"If Mattie was here, he'd be like, "Can we keep them?" Torsion teasingly mumbled, crossing his arms as he stared at the two of them. Tomas sighed quietly, the void-eyed male thinking of what to do, noticing how the ginger one favored Mattie in some shape or form.

Ederek looked at the caramel-haired one sternly, arching an eyebrow as he glanced back at Tomas and Torsion. "...I'll keep this one." He finally said, Torsion was wondering why, and Tomas shrugged. "If you can handle it." He muttered in response, he glanced at the ginger one again.

"..It isn't Mattie, but it sure looks like him." He voiced his thoughts out-loud and sighed yet again.

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