~ 0.74 ~

17 4 1

"Edd and Matt need love too
But Tord and Tom are cooler

*Throws candy at Matt and Edd*
There you got your attention"

Ederek caught a piece of the candy, shrugging a little as he began to undo the wrapper. "..Oi, thanks, then.." he mumbled.

Mattie sighed in annoyance, glaring a little at the reader before straightening up his expression. "Great, that makes me feel /better/" He sarcastically mumbled, but began to eat the candy.

(5/5 OppositeDay! Asks/Dares)


Ederek: (glances around, falling confused) "...What just happened?"

Torsion: "...Wait, Are we back to normal, now?"

Tomas: (groans in annoyance, indirectly rolling his eyes, glancing over towards a flask on the table) "...Was I..drinking that?" (he lightly cringed)

Mattie: "..I feel funny...."

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