~ 0.87 (1) ~

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"now that youre all in f a b u l o u s clothes,,

why don't you model for us-"

At first, Torsion found this terribly weird, until his natural flirtatious instincts took over and he was busy strutting to himself.

Meanwhile, Tomas wasn't trying this within a ten-ft pole, but seeing how this was only a dare, awkwardly tried to copy...Whatever Torsion's actions were, knowing this was gonna bite him somewhere unpleasant later.

Ederek had his arms crossed and pouted childishly, just standing there blankly as he tried not to get too upset over the clothes, he was glancing at Tomas and Torsion.

Mattie was fiddling with the shirt for a few minutes, then worrying on whether the shorts even fitted him right, and was busy with that.

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