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EdgyTrash108: "Everyone,

Have you tried my peanut butter pie

It's made of two things peanut butter and pie

If you ever do try my peanut butter pie

You'll put your privates inside

Like everyone else does :\

Peanut butter pie

Tastes so good you'll do a suicide

If you take a bite of my peanut butter pie

You'll know that I'm a man

Now here's some reviews

Donna says it's yummy
Helen says it's bomb
Selwyn says it's Crâp
Now why is that one in this song


The boys were figuring out how to react to this, Ederek was trying to determine which series this song came from. Meanwhile, Tomas crossed his arms and began to speak.
"That was....An interesting pie song." He blurted out randomly for no exact reason.

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