~ 0.38 ~

25 10 4

"Can we play connect-4??
*whips out a box from thin air*"

Tomas was slightly pointing a finger at the sudden box. "How the-"

"..Well then...~" The chestnut-haired pervious male rolled off, his accent coming off strongly as he clicked his tongue in the reader's direction, and tapped a finger on his chin."...I could play a fun game with you, darling..." Tomas turned his head, his expression and clear voided eye's screaming what in the air would of sounded similar to like, 'Don't do it.'

"...But I would hate to see your beautiful face drop once you lose."

Torsion's tone remained unchanged, but also devious.

//Haha did I mention hearts boyo is competitive/manipulative af-

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