~ Random 6️⃣ ~

67 7 106


Tomas: (holding on to a bag of skittles with a soft smile)

Tory: (pops in and sees) I didn't know you liked skittles.

Tomas: . . .

Tory: (squints eyes) thinking about that "Skittle-boy" aren't ya...?

Tomas: Go away.


Domenick: What is life's meaning to you guys?

Laurie: There isn't a meaning.

Tim: ...Is this a rhetorical question?

Paulin: Uh.....

Patton: To be honest, I really don't care.

???: To die.


Tory: Torcie.

Tory: (gets closer) Torcie.

Tory: (even closer) T o r c i e.

Torcie: WHAT?

Tory: You do know that's Tomas' caramel donut, right..?

Torcie: (looks back towards the donut that's already been half-bitten into with widened eyes)

Tomas: (standing in the distance with a slightly dark aura present)


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