Chapter 1

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Maya's POV

It was a day like any other; got up, got dressed then headed downstairs for breakfast. Today was my last day of school before summer holidays started and I couldn't be happier.

"Maya you've barely touched your toast" my mum said as I was grabbing my bag to leave

I was too excited to eat. I just wanted this day to be over and done with. I agreed to eat it on the way to school as I walked to school everyday. I quickly kissed my mums cheeks and headed out the door in no time. While walking I tried pulling out my earphones and eating my toast at the same time. It was not a good idea as I dropped my phone in the process of it. Clumsy Maya back at it. I thanked god nothing had happened to my phone because I had a pretty thick case. I didn't trust myself which was why I bought such a thick case for my phone.

"Get your life together" I lightly laughed to myself as I picked up my phone and continued walking.

It wasn't long before I entered the gates of my school and started searching for my best friend

"Maya over here!" I hear a familiar voice

I turn around to see my best friend Ingrid waving her hands around at a bench with the rest of our squad. I walk over to them and greet them all. We were all excited about our last day but would miss each other a lot during the break. Some were off on vacation and some were in search of a summer job, including me.
Time had gone by so fast I didn't even realise school was going to end in 15 minutes. We packed up early and the teacher let us chat among ourselves for the last few minutes until the bell rang. Just as the last few seconds were approaching, students decided to countdown in excitement.


At last the bell rand and we all rushed out the door. I grabbed Ingrids hand and we also ran out.

5:57 pm

"Mum when is dad coming home?" I asked as I was coming down the stairs from my room.

"He's on his way sweetie"

I made my way to the couch and sat next to my mum while watching TV. It wasn't long until I heard a car pull up in the driveway and the opening and closing of car doors. I knew straight away it was my dad. Renato Francis. I ran to the door and flew it open ready to hug my dad.

"Dad! You're ba-"

I was cut off by surprise and went dead quiet when I saw 5 boys standing behind my dad.

A/N: Ok so this is my first chapter and I know it was kinda short I'm sorry 🙄 But I wanted to start off slow and easy I promise my next chapters will be longer xx

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