Chapter 44

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"Can you stop doing that" I giggle as Joel was slurping up a string of spaghetti into his mouth while it caused sound effects at the end.

"Stop what?"

"Whatever that was" I reply.

Joel and I were on a dinner date at yet another Italian restaurant that Joel had recommended that we'd try.

"I was just trying to make you laugh" he smiles while continuing his actions.

"Ok Pimentel I get it" I couldn't hold in my giggles.

We were finished with our dinner and I could have sworn I was so full that if I ate anything else I'd might as well throw up.

"I think I'm pregnant" I say looking down at my stomach and leaning back on my seat.

"What?" Joel's head shot up in shock.

"With a food baby relax Joel" I laugh.

"Oh my god Maya don't scare me like that" a sigh of relief leaves his lips.

After we were finished paying, Joel and I headed out hand in hand while we made our way to his car. We were only a few feet away until a girl approaches us and stops us in our tracks.

"Wait, are you Joel? Joel as in from CNCO?" She asks.

"Yup that would be me" he replies smiling.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe it. Can I get a photo with you two?" She asks excitedly. Me too?

"Of course" he replies as the girl hands her phone to her other friend that was also standing by.

After the photo was clicked, she gave us both a hug and ran off excitedly.

"Your fans are the cutest" I say while watching the girl.

"Arent they?" He replies.

We sat inside the car and Joel began the engine. The ride was quiet, not the good kind though. It seemed as if something was bothering him.

"What are you thinking about babe?" I ask while taking his hand and intertwining them with mine.

"Nothing. It's just that every time I come across my fans I can't help but think about... her"

"It wasn't you fault Joel. Don't be so hard on yourself" I begin to rub circles on his hand.

"It kind of was Maya" his eyes still focused on the road.

"I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Chris. Even if it was your fault, you should be glad she got to meet her idol at least. She was happy and that's all that counts right?" I lift his hand up and kiss it before placing it back down.

7:14 am

I was getting ready for school while in my room brushing my hair out. Fixing my uniform in the mirror, I stood there and stared at my body head to toe for any visible flaws. As soon as I thought I was good to go, I headed downstairs for breakfast.

The rest of the time was spent taking my sweet time to eat because I was in no rush. The clock hit 7:40 and I jumped off the stool in the kitchen while grabbing my bag and heading out. I had reached school in no time and caught up with Ingird who was nearby her locker.

"Hey girl" I greet her.

Before she got a chance to reply, we hear an obnoxious loud noise filling the hallways. It was the cheerleading team once again advertising their squad and asking for others to join their team for this year. The head cheerleader was handing out flyers to everyone in the hallway.

"Hell's gates must have opened early this year" Ingrid rolled her eyes.

"Come and join our cheer squad, auditions at lunch time" the girl said as she smiles at us showing her florescent teeth and perfectly did hair.

I take the flyer from her and take a look at it skimming my eyes all over the paper.

"It doesn't look that bad" I say.

"You have got to be kidding me" Ingrid replies.

The bell rings for first period and we both head off to our first class. The paper still resting in my hand. My mind was focused on the countdown till lunch time. I may not be the most athletic girl out there but I did have some gymnastic experience as a child. I just hope my technique is still in there.

The bell for lunch time had rung and I quickly made my way to the school's auditorium where the auditions were being held. I opened the huge doors and stepped in to see girls practicing their moves.

"Nope" I say as I was about to turn around and leave

"Are we auditioning for the cheer squad?" The same girl approaches me.

I just nod my head shyly and follow her to the rest of the girls.

"Ok girls im going to show you a few steps to practice with first and at the end, if I call your name come back tomorrow. Remember I want to see those smiling faces throughout. Are we ready?"

Joels POV

I was waiting for Maya outside her school in my car. I heard the school bell ring from a distance and a bunch of students begin to walk out. My eyes then spot Maya from afar making her way towards the car.

"What's this?" I ask.

"You are looking at the school's newest cheerleader for the football team"

"What? So you want to spend the rest of the year doing cartwheels for a sport you don't even like?"

"Hey cheerleading is a lot harder than you think" She pulls out a short skirt and tight shirt from a bag in her hand.

"Well I'm not complaining" I say taking the short skirt off her and looking at it.

She slaps my arm playfully and takes the skirt back while giggling. After dropping her back to her house, I had to begin to get dressed for our show tonight.

"Joels here but Mayas not? Am I dreaming?" Richard teases while looking around for Maya.

"She will tonight so shut up" I gave him a playful push

Maya's POV

I was currently at CNCO's concert and was watching them from side stage. Occasionally, Joel would look at me throughout the show and smile at me. The show was ending when I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I picked it up and it was my mum. The voices of screaming girls was taking over so I decided to go out of the building and answer it.

"Yeah ok mum i'll come home with dad"

As soon as I hung up I began to make my way back inside.

"Are you Maya?" A girl asks stopping me.


"I just wanted to let you know, stay away from Joel. He's mine"

"Excuse me?" I see fans begin to take out their phones to record.

"I've been a fan of him since La Banda days and its selfish of you to take him away from us like that" she says.

"You can relax because till this date I've never taken him away from anyone" more fans were beginning to surround us.

"Joel is special to us so don't break his heart you irrelevant slut"

Those words made me shed a tear. Before I could reply, a familiar voice interrupts.

"What's going on? Is there a problem ladies?" It was Joel with my dad behind him.

"Nope no problem. Let's go" I begin to walk back inside.

The fan had stayed quiet and didn't want to say a word in front of Joel.

11:37 pm

My head was resting on my pillow and eyes were closed until my phone began to flood with notifications from Instagram and twitter. I sat up and unlocked my phone going straight to twitter.

'Maya Francis yelling at fans after CNCO concert'

Be Mine - Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now