Chapter 14

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Maya's POV

A week had gone by since the radio interview and by now, the public including the fans, knew who I was. They didn't know I was Joel Pimentel's girlfriend but they did know that I was on tour with the boys. That was when my phone started to blow up with notifications from fans.

'I think they make a cute couple #Jaya'

'She would be no one if it wasn't for her dad'

'Honestly I'd be so pissed if #Jaya is real'

'Don't listen to the haters Maya, us CNCOwners love you. We ship #Jaya'

I decided to just shut my phone off. It's my birthday today and I do not need negative vibes. Although I have to admit, the positive feedback from fans had put a smile on my face. I walk outside my balcony for some fresh air and was looking out at the view of the whole city. We were now in another state continuing CNCO's tour. Laura was already downstairs with everyone else.

After freshening up, I put on a simple t shirt with blue ripped jeans and converse. For the first time, I tried on Joels bandanna that he had given me as a gift for no reason. I finally turned my phone back on and realized I had missed countless calls and messages from Joel.

"Whoops" I whisper to myself as I made my way downstairs.

I then saw Joel's face pop up on my phone screen notifying me that I was receiving yet another call from him. God he was so beautiful I didn't even want to pick up. I could just stare at this all day.

"Hey babe" I say picking up

"Maya where were you? Why weren't you picking up? You had me so worried oh my god don't ever do that again" I cut him off

"Joel chill I just had my phone off" I say giggling

"Oh" was all he said

"Anyways I'll see you soon. I'm on my way down" I had said before hanging up  

My eyes were glued to my phone screen as I was scrolling through peoples snapchat stories. I finally looked up as I was exiting the hotel doors and turned right to where the pools were. From afar I could see colorful balloons and decorations all around the walls. I finally enter the pool gates and that's when everyone sees me come in.

"Surprise!" They all yell in sync

"Oh my god you guys" I covered my mouth with my hands. I was in complete shock.

"Happy birthday chica" Laura approaches me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek

After that, the boys were approaching me. Honestly, I just wanted to run because what they were about to do next did not look safe coming from five fully grown men. They all tackle me into a group hug. I could have sworn I lost my breath for five seconds straight. I heard a bunch of birthday wishes from each one of them. I chuckle and thank them all for their sweet birthday wishes.

There was food spread out on a white clothed table that the hotel was apparently catering for my mini birthday surprise. I walked over to my dad where he kissed me on my head also wishing me a happy birthday. They then took me over to the table full of presents.

"Guys you didn't have to" I tell them while looking at the pile of wrapped presents.

"Open mine first!" Chris yells

"No shut up open mine" Erick continues

I just laughed and told them I will open them all so they didn't need to worry. I first unwrapped Chris's present and it was a box with a teddy bear in it.

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