Chapter 35

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"They haven't decided that yet, I still have a court hearing next week and from there they will decide if I need to face jail time or not" he replies.

I really don't see the point of me staying here; clearly I have nothing to say or nothing to contribute to in this discussion. Joel and I are in that awkward relationship phase where we don't talk to each other but we don't hate each other either. The rest of the boys were heading home and I followed them. I was the last person out the door when I heard Joel's voice.

"How's your foot Maya?" I turned around to see him standing near the door.

"Better I guess"

"That's good" he replies.

I had nothing else to say so I turned around and began hopping away on my crutches while Chris had the door held open for me. As soon as I had reached home, I began to scroll through my phone and my feed was spammed with the news about Joel's incident. It was taking over Twitter, Instagram and even Facebook; some even I was tagged in.

*A week later*

It's been a week since I had last seen and spoken to Joel and today was his court hearing. Today is the day we find out if Joel Pimentel is guilty of the death of Natasha. Unfortunately, as much as I want to be there by his side, I can't.

I had another appointment with my doctor and this time, I was going alone. The boys were going to be at Joel's court hearing and I had no choice but to miss out. On the bright side, at least he has his friends beside him even if it's not me.

"Let's go Maya we're going to be late" my mum said as she picked up the car keys.

I stood up, made my way to the car and sat inside. The car ride was going silent and that's how I liked it. But unfortunately, my mum didn't.

"Are you ok?" She asks putting one of her hand over mine while looking straight.

I sighed heavily, clearly annoyed.

"Yeah, why would you ask?"

"It's just that I know... well you haven't really been yourself lately. I know with the break up and then Natasha being gone, I know how hard it must be to take it all in. If you want to talk-"

"I'm fine mom" I cut her off.

She stayed silent after that. She knew I wasn't in any mood to talk about all that. Truth is, I didn't mean to come across as being rude. She was right; I can't take it all in, I'm not as emotionally strong as I portray myself to be. Everytime I think about it, I want to burst out into tears and just isolate myself from everyone.

I was glad when we had finally reached the hospital, that saves me from the trouble of future questions from my mum. We were seated in the waiting room while I was flicking through some magazines that they had placed for us.

"Maya Francis?" I heard the same nurse from last time call my name.

My mother and I stood up and headed towards her. As soon as we had gotten inside the room the doctor was already there. He began his usual checkup routine on my leg and honestly, I was feeling better.

There wasn't as much pain on my ankle as there was before so I'm assuming my bandage was going to come off today. After he was done, he said I was ok to get rid of the crutches and I didn't need them anymore. The feeling of pure freedom ran all throughout my body and that was probably the best news I've heard in a while.

"Just come back and see me if you feel any pain after today" the doctor explained before we thanked him and headed out.

"Would you be able to drop me off to the courthouse where the rest of the boys are?" I ask my mum as she started the car.

She agreed to drop me off because she knew the only people I would want to socialize with, was in fact only those boys. My mum had dropped me off at the venue and I told her I would just come back with everyone else because I didn't want her to wait around. The place was quite open and large.

My feet walked through the fresh cut green grass and the wind was blowing through my hair as I hid my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. My head was telling me to turn around and run back home but my heart knew this is where I needed to be.

From the corner of my eyes, I see the rest of the boys sitting by a water fountain and just having a chat. I began to make my way into their direction until I see Erick look up at me.

"You came" a faint smile appears on his lips.

Everyone else also darts their eyes on me. I was just waiting for the awkwardness to begin. Richard was beside me as I stopped and he gave me a short side hug.

"Yeah I figured I needed to be here so why not" I chuckle before the smile disappears from my lips.

"Joel's going to be really happy when he sees you. Trust me" Chris says.

"Really?" I blush as I look down at my feet.

"That's only if he doesn't see the jail bars first" Zabdiel adds killing the mood.

"Zabdi!" Erick punches him on the arm.

"I'm just being realistic here. He's going to have to fight hard for this" he replies.

The rest of the time we continued talking still anxiously waiting on the results. I wasn't contributing to the conversation much. My mind was elsewhere; Natasha's scene being replayed over and over in my head. I had officially zoned out of this whole conversation completely. My thoughts were interrupted by my name being repeated.


I snap out of my thoughts and realize it was Richard who kept calling name.

"What? Oh um- yeah sorry. What happened?" I shake the thoughts out of my head and look at everyone. They were all looking at me blankly until Richard has spoken up again.

"I said what's wrong? You don't seem like yourself today"

Before I got a chance to reply, I see people begin to herd out of the court. Men and women in suit and ties, heels clicking on the concrete floor. It wasn't long until we see Joel head out from the doors and making his way to us in his suit and tie.

"Well? What did the judge say? Were you pleaded guilty or not?" Richard asks.

He looks down and refuses to answer us for a few seconds before he spoke up.

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