Chapter 5

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Maya's POV

After Laura and I freshened up I started to set up my things in the room. We then heard a knock on the door. I open up and see Chris.

"The boys and I are heading downstairs to the pool, do you want to join us?" He asks

I look back at Laura and she declined because she also just wanted to rest. I wasn't that tired so I agreed to come along.

"Cool, we will see you downstairs, let Joel and Erick know too" he tells me before dashing off.

I changed into my hot pink bathing suit and wrapped a small silk cardigan around me while fixing my hair and grabbing my phone. I nervously head over to Joel and Ericks room which was next to ours. I had already asked my dad if I could go. I knocked on their door and Erick opens up. I asked if they wanted to come down to the pool with the rest of us. 

"Sure let me get changed, come in" he opens the door wide where I see a passed out Joel on the bed.

I giggle and sit down on Ericks bed while I waited for him to get changed in the bathroom.

"Maya?" I hear a sleepy soft voice

I look up to see Joel slowly lifting his head up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I giggled

"Where you off to?" He asks fixing his hair

"I'm waiting for Erick so we can join the rest of the guys down at the pool. You should come too, I just didn't want to wake you up" I tell him feeling slightly guilty.

Before Joel could reply, Erick comes out of the bathroom in just his swimming shorts. I felt Joel staring at me while I checked out Ericks toned body.

Does that make me a perv considering he's younger than me?

"On second thought, I will come too" Joel gets up and also changes within a few seconds.

A few minutes later all three of us head downstairs to join everyone else. Richard was passing a beach ball inside the pool to Zabdiel.

"Wait for me!" Erick yelled while diving into the pool splashing some water ont to me and Joel

I just chuckle and take a seat on one of those poolside chairs. Joel sits on the one next to me. I hesitantly take off my silk cardigan exposing my bare skin in my pink bikini. I avoid eye contact with Joel because I know I will turn into a blushing mess. 

"Maya, Joel! Come join us!" Erick yells from the pool

Joel and I look at each other and decided to join. We had a game of pool volleyball. I was on Joels shoulders and Erick was on Zabdiels shoulders. It was easy to keep balance since this was in the water. The rest of the boys were on their feet. Chris, Joel and I on one team and the rest on the other side. 

"Feel free to drop me if I become too heavy" I chuckle to Joel as I hit the ball with my palms

"No way" he laughs while tightening his grip and moving his hands higher on my thighs.

I felt myself tense up and lose concentration of everything. That was when the ball flew right past me.

"Maya that one was yours" Chris says pointing to the ball

"Oh, whoops sorry" I blush still feelings Joel's hands on my thighs

Erick served the ball while still on Zabdiels shoulder. He spiked the ball too high as it went a little over my head. I tried getting in contact with the ball but I just felt myself go even more back and fell right off of Joels shoulders and the last thing I remember, my whole body was under water. Seconds later, I felt myself rise up, wiping the water from my eyes. They were all too busy laughing to even offer to help.

"I'm sorry Maya that was too funny" Joel says in between laughs.

To be honest, it was kind of funny. In the end, Ericks team won and then they all decided to swim around splash each other with water. 

"I'm hungry" I say to myself

"Me too" Joel replies looking at me

We both decided to get out of the pool and found a snack bar nearby that sold hot food. We asked the rest of the boys for their orders and made our way to the snack bar. The girl working there had perfectly straightened black hair and hazel eyes. She was also in her bathing suit which barely covered anything. Joel ordered and I could see her staring at Joel's toned abs while he was talking.

"Anything else cutie?" She bit her lip

Joel shook his head and chuckled. I rolled my eyes and couldn't stand to watch this anymore. I decided walk away and Joel hadn't even noticed. I walked back to where Richard was sitting and took a seat next to him.

"Hey" I lightly smile

"What's up"

A few minutes later Joel walked back with all our food. What was this burning feeling inside my stomach? I cant be jealous because first of all, Joel isnt even mine.

"Maya, what happened? You just walked away without a warning" he asked setting down the food.

"I had an important call from my mum, sorry" I lied

'Don't overreact Maya. You're going to cause a scene' I thought to myself

"Actually I'm not that hungry, I'll see you guys later" I get up grabbing my cardigan and phone and heading upstairs.

"Maya wait"

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