Chapter 30

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Maya's POV

By now, my pain was becoming unbearable. My ankle was throbbing and the tears kept running down my face nonstop. I don't respond well to pain. Everyone was surrounding me and they were also panicking.

"It's ok Maya the ambulance is on its way and someone is bringing you an ice pack. Take deep breaths" my dad reassures me with a worried look on his face.

"It just hurts so much" I managed to say in between sobs.

"Here" a tall blonde man hands Joel an ice pack which he then puts over my ankle gently.

I shut my eyes tight because it was cold at first. Then the pain seemed to settle down as the ice was preventing my ankle from swelling. A while later the ambulance had arrived and two male paramedics jumped out of the ambulance van and made their way over to me. I told them what had happened but was however, still in a lot of pain. They took me inside the ambulance and I wanted Joel to come.

"I have to stay here to finish off rehearsals but I promise I will visit right after" Joel explains while holding my hand before heading out of the ambulance vehicle.

The doors shut and it was only my dad and I left. As soon as we had reached the hospital, the paramedics had taken me straight to emergency. The doctor then came in and examined my ankle and just as I thought; I had to have a cast wrapped around it. I decided to take a short nap because I knew I wasn't going to be staying here overnight. One of the side effects of the medication that they had given me was drowsiness and that's exactly what I was feeling.

"She's asleep bro"

I was woken up by the shuffling of shoes against the floor and shot my eyes open. To my surprise it was Joel. He wasn't alone, Erick had also come with him.

"Hey how are you feeling" Joel asks as he takes a seat on the edge of the bed.

"The pain is gone so a little better" I smile.

My dad had gone down to get some food because I was starting to get hungry and I couldn't wait until I got home.

"I want to go home" I frown while looking at Joel.

"I'll go ask the nurse when you can leave" and with that, he heads off leaving Erick and I in an awkward silence. Who am I kidding? Everything with Erick is awkward.

"I'm sorry about your ankle" I turn my head around to him because he had broken the silence. "I mean, I'm sorry in general. None of this would have happened if I was paying attention. It's because of me you're here. I should have been more careful on stage. I'm so sorry Maya that you're suffering now because of me" his beautiful green eyes looking right into mine. He was feeling pure guilt.

"It's ok. I'll be fine. I should have kept my eyes opened to my surroundings too" I give him a soft smile.

I don't even know how I feel about Erick now. One minute he's the biggest jerk ever and the next, he turns into a complete sweetheart. Those dreamy glistening eyes can fool any girl. Thinking back to the party night, my stomach twisted and I felt a lump in my throat. I didn't know how much longer I can hide that accidental kiss from Joel. The guilt was eating me alive and I knew I had to tell him sooner before it's too late and the situation becomes out of hand. Just then, Joel appears from the curtains with a nurse behind him.

"Here you go Maya, you're going to be needing these if you want to walk. Don't put too much pressure on your ankle and only use these when you need to" the nurse hands me two crutches.

On the bright side, I can go home. On the down side, I'm going to have to be on bed rest which sucks because I'm a very active person when I want to be. My dad arrives with the food and I prepare myself to stand up. Joel helps me and grabs my arm while I stood up and Erick hands me both my crutches which I then place under my arms.

"Thanks guys" I smile then begin to hop away on my crutches.

I had reached home and once again; Joel helping me out of the car.

"Do you want me to stay?" He asks.

"Um no, it's ok. You have a busy day today and I'm probably going to just rest up" I tell him as we were both standing outside the car.

Another reason to love Joel was because even in his busy schedule, he would still find the time and effort to make sure I would be ok.

"Alright princesa, just call me if you need me" he gives my lips a quick peck before heading back into the car.

I walk towards the house with my dad following right behind me. I opened the door to see my mum on the couch and her attention turns to me.

"Ay dios mio Maya what have you done to yourself" she gets up and walks over to me.

I explained everything to her then headed straight up to my room with the food. Getting up the stairs was a mission but not impossible. If I was going to be on bed rest, might as well make the most of it. I pulled out my laptop and opened Netflix. Making myself comfortable on the bed, I flicked through some movies and pressed play on a movie I hadn't seen before. I hadn't realized time was going until I looked outside my window and the sun was coming down. I was tired of watching movies and I was starting to miss Joel. I knew he had a concert to prepare for tonight which was why I didn't bother him. There was a knock on the door before it began to creak open.

"Someone's here to see you" my mum pokes her head in.

"Joel?" I sit up trying to look behind her.

"It's just me" I then see Erick enter my room as my mum leaves.

"Erick you shouldn't be here. You have a concert to be at. Does Joel know you're here?" I ask as he makes his way to the edge of my bed and sits down as I make space for him.

"I know but since you're in this situation because of me I thought I would come and check on you, and no, Joel doesn't know I'm here. I told the rest of the boys I would be a little late".

"You really should go, I don't want a thousand fans blaming me for your absence. I told you I'm fine" I lied, I was the exact opposite of fine.

"Actually Maya I uh- the only reason that I'm here is because um-" he looked down as he was lost for words.

"What is it?" I ask.

A/N: Ok so I'm an English speaking fan and I do not understand Spanish. I'm only using small phrases in which I hear in a lot of fanfics or movies so please excuse my terrible attempt at it.

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