Chapter 10

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I started choking on my drink when I had read Joel's message. Everyone's attention on the table was now on me

"You ok?" Zabdiel asks patting my back

"Yeah just went down the wrong pipe" 

Everyone went back to eating and drinking while I excused myself to go to the bathroom. I mouthed the words 'Follow me' to Joel. Hopefully he understood and would follow me because we needed to have a long talk. I walked towards the female bathroom pretending to go in. However, I just stood on the side waiting for Joel.

"Sup" he asks approaching me.

"Don't 'sup' me" I reply crossing my arms and furrowing my eyebrows

"Joel don't act like what you texted me was ok, because it wasn't. It definitely wasn't true at all. Erick and I have nothing going on at all" I begin to explain

"You better tell him that because I know Erick. He will catch feelings easily, so don't mess around with him just because of your immature behavior trying to make me jealous" Joel says

"Oh so you admit you were jealous?" I smirk

He just sighs heavily and runs his hands through his hair in frustration. As much as I hate to admit it, a mad Joel turns me on.

"Look Maya can we just leave it for tonight and talk about it later? We would just look more and more suspicious to everyone" 

"Fine" I roll my eyes.

"And by the way, that dress makes you look hot" he whispers before walking away and sending chills down my spine. 

I gave Joel a few seconds head start before I started to make my way back to the table. After dessert was almost finished, they all began to pay while Laura and I stood up to make our way back to the car. Joel and I acted completely normal until we got back to the hotel. The boys, my dad and Laura were really tired and made a decision to go to sleep. At least that's what I thought. I was about to jump into bed as I had already changed and took my make up off, when I feel my phone vibrate in my hand.

Just as I suspected, it was from Joel.

"Of course" I sigh to myself

Joey: Please meet me down at the lobby when Laura is asleep, I need to talk to you

Is he serious?

Right when I look like a mess he wants to see me. Oh well, might as well get it off my chest. I was only wearing a tank top and sweats. My hair was in a bun and I didn't bother taking a jacket because we wouldn't be going out. It was almost 1am so I doubt anyone would be down at the lobby. I go as I am, taking my phone and making sure not to wake Laura up as I open the door. I rush downstairs where I see Joel already sitting and looking down. He hears my footsteps and looks up.

"You came" he said with a relieved tone

"Of course I would why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know, I thought you were still mad" he softly says

I give him a half smile. Gosh, hes so adorable no matter what emotion he shows. How can I be mad at him.

"Lets walk" he gives me his hand to take

I gladly take his hand and we both walk out the front entrance where it became quiet windy.

"Joel I didn't bring a jacket, let's go back" I say as I stopped walking

Without saying a word, he takes his jacket off and puts it on me. I thank him and we both continue to walk hand in hand.

"So I guess we both have a lot of explaining to do" he says breaking the silence

"Mhm, got that right"

"Look Maya whatever you saw that day with the fans, I didn't mean it to come across as flirting. I would never intentionally hurt you. They were just fans. I had a few backstage passes just lying around and I wanted to get rid of them so I just gave it to them. Trust me, those girls are nothing compared to you. You're special. Do you want to know why I started catching feelings for you in the first place?" He stops and faces me.

"Why?" I ask. We were now at a park because that's how far we had gotten from the hotel.

"Because you're always yourself no matter when and where. Your personality attracts me the most. You see me as just a normal human being not just one of those uptight boyband jerks" I giggle at his last sentence.

"Well, if it helps, I'm sorry too. None of the other boys are as amazing as you. I was only messing with you because you hurt me pretty badly Joel. But it's ok. It was just a misunderstanding"

Joel then gets down on one knee and we still have both our hands intertwined.

"Maya, will you please forgive me? I promise I will try to be a better boyfriend to you and I promise to treat you better" he innocently looks up at me

I pull him back up from his shirt collar and go straight for his lips. I missed the feeling of his soft plump lips over mine. The kiss deepened before we both pulled away trying to catch our breath. He then buries his face into my neck while my arms snaking around his neck.

"So I'll take the as a yes?"

I just nodded my head.

"Good because you're mine. Not Ericks, not anyone else's, just mine" he then begins to place soft kisses on the skin of my neck.

8:01 pm

The next day, I was working backstage. The boys were still on stage while I was filing a few papers that my dad had given me to sort out. I have to admit, it feels nice to do something productive once in a while. It gives me a sense of accomplishment. I'm so glad I took this job. The concert had finally ended but I saw no sign of the boys. They must be at their meet and greet. I was walking down the hallway carrying a cardboard box when I saw some familiar faces.

"Hi um, I'm Vanessa and these are my friends. We were given backstage passes from the boys but we're sort of lost" now I know who they are.

"Oh right. Sure just take a seat down at the lounge. The boys wont be much longer"

I must say, it feels good to be the boss.

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