Chapter 3

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The next morning, I woke up to the ray of sunlight peeking through my bright colored curtains. I laid in bed and unlocked my phone scrolling through all my social medias. It wasn't long until I finally decided to get up and go down for breakfast after freshening up a little bit.

"Morning dad" I say half sleepily while beginning to make my toast and egg.

"Morning sweetie. I've been wanting to talk to you about something" he replies taking a sip of his tea and focusing his attention on me.

"Sure, what's up"

"How would you feel about a summer job with me?" He asks

"A summer job? But aren't you with the boys this summer?" I ask confused

"Exactly my point"

I then realized what he meant and I was left completely speechless

"What do you say Maya? Do you want to come work with me and help me and the boys out a little while on tour?" He asks again

"Um is that even a question? Of course I do!" I squeal excitedly while hugging my dad

He told me it wasn't all just fun and games and that I had to take this job seriously. I would have to be running errands, helping my dad with small things while still making money. Something tells me this is going to be an interesting summer. The boys, my dad and including me would have to leave tomorrow as their tour break was only for a couple of days. They were currently touring around US and then continue to other countries. This meant I had to buy some new clothes, shoes and even make up. I decided to call Ingrid to ask her to go shopping with me. Why not tell her the good news too? I wasn't hungry anymore for breakfast and decided to eat as much as I could before running back upstairs.

"Sure babe I'll be there soon" Ingrid says over the phone before hanging up.

It wasn't long until she had texted me to come out. I checked myself again in the mirror before grabbing my phone and bag before heading out.

"So? What's the good news? You seemed like you were about to pass out over the phone" she asked eagerly while starting the car

"I will tell you when I get there. Chill" I laughed

We got to the shopping mall and entered through the glass doors. Surprisingly it was a little more crowded than usual. However, it was the weekend so I cant blame anyone for that. Ingrid and I first headed to the clothes store and looked around for anything we liked. I started off with my story while walking and searching.

We then went into a shoe shop and I was heading towards these cute pair of converse that caught my attention. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and almost tripped over someone else's shoes but thankfully saved myself. I laughed at myself and looked up to see a boy trying on a pair of shoes. It wasn't just any boy, it was Joel.

"Jeez Maya, you just love running into me don't you?" He laughed while standing up

"Don't flatter yourself" I joked back.

"Speaking of which, what are you doing here?" He asked

"Just shopping around for stuff" I replied

"Joel I finally found them!" I hear a familiar voice from across the store.

It was Erick. I think. I'm not so good with names, it takes me a while to get used to people's faces. However, I'm pretty sure this one was Erick because I definitely remember these unique colored eyes.

"Oh hi Maya" he smiled while walking over to us with a pair of yeezys

I greeted him back and they started talking about the shoe in Ericks hand. I wasn't sure if they knew about me coming on tour with them. But I also didn't want to make this all about me. They were going to know tomorrow anyway.

"I'm so glad you're coming with us, we could use some new company and I am pretty sure you would love it. The boys and I have a lot of fun visiting new places" Erick moved his attention back to me.

Joel walked away to look around for more shoes around the store. I guess they already know

"How did you know?" I smiled

"Your dad told us last night while dropping us off. But hey, at least we got some new company" he excitedly high fived me.

"Joel has also been lowkey excited more than any of us" he added

I felt my cheeks turn red and I looked over at Joel who seemed to have an indecisive look on his face.

"Really? I ask shyly

He nodded and we both walked over to Joel helping him make up his mind. Ingrid also joined us a couple of minutes later and she introduced herself. She was a little start struck at first then she got over it.

"You should buy this one" I say pointing to the shoe on his right hand.

Surprisingly I didn't think my opinion mattered. Because in no time, Joel and Erick made their way over to the counter ready to pay. This is actually going to be the best summer ever. Fingers crossed.

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