Chapter 4

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"Maya we're leaving in ten minutes!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

I was doing some last-minute checks. If I had everything or not. I was so overwhelmed, I couldn't believe this was actually happening to me. I know it isn't that big of a deal but I am just a regular girl going on tour with an actual boyband. That thought still hadn't processed through my mind yet. I grabbed my suitcases by the handle and ran downstairs where I see my dad waiting by the door.

"Take good care of yourself Maya and if you need anything, I'm only a phone call away" my mum assured me while pulling me into her chest

"Mom are you going to be alright though?" I ask as my mum would be home alone

"Don't worry about me sweetie I will be just fine" she smiles.

I said my last goodbye and headed out the door with my dad. I see there's already a car outside with the boys in it. I felt myself tense up. I don't think I can do this. I calmed myself down and followed my dad to the car.

"Aye its Maya" Chris said excitedly

I laughed and greeted them all and went into the car while the driver took my suitcase into the trunk. There was a spare window seat next to Richard and I decided to sit there. Joel was next to him while the other three were at the back and my dad in the passenger's seat. I heard Joel whisper something in Richards ear.

"Maya do you want to switch seats?" Richard asks while turning to me

I was small enough to fit in the tiny space in the middle so why not. Also, I myself wanted to sit next to Joel as well. The drive to the airport was about forty-five minutes. We all had a blast singing and dancing. Then there's me snapchatting the whole thing. We had reached the airport and we all checked in with our passports. It wasn't long until we made our way into the plane. My dad lifted up my bag into the empty compartment above our seats. 

"Do you want to sit together? I mean if you don't then that's totally fine" I shyly ask Joel

"Its fine Maya, I was just about to ask you the same thing" Joel laughs at my awkwardness

Meanwhile, Chris and Erick were fighting over the window seat in front of us like a bunch of kids.

"Keep it down you two before you get us all thrown off the plane" my dad whisper yelled.

My dad, Richard and Zabdiel were sitting beside us on a three seater. Joel being the gentleman that he is, he let me sit next to the window seat. But I offered to let him sit there on the next flight. I took a snapchat selfie with Joel along with the puppy filters that he loves and sent it to my close friends. After that, I switched off my phone and placed it in my purse that was in between my legs. The pilot finally announced for takeoff and I was relieved.

Joel put in his headphones and closed his eyes while I decided to sleep since I didn't get much of it last night. I felt myself lean my head against Joel's shoulder and he didn't seem to mind because a few seconds later I felt myself drift off to sleep.

Joels POV

Maya had fallen asleep on my shoulder and I didn't want to move in case I woke her up. I still had my headphones in listening to some Ed Sheeran. Hours had passed and our flight was about to land. I felt bad waking Maya up but I had no choice. We were almost there and the plane would shake a lot while landing.

"How long was I out?" She asks sleepily while lifting her head up

"Almost the whole flight" 

At last, the plane finally landed and I helped Maya with her bag from the compartment since she was struggling to reach it

"Thanks" she giggles

I smiled and we all started to file out the plane one by one. 

"Finally some fresh air!" Chris says while throwing his hands up

An hour or two had passed and we had reached our hotel that we would be staying at. Chris and Maya were racing each other up the stairs while the rest of us took the elevator. 

"Those two have way too much energy" Renato comments while we were all piled into the elevator.

Seconds later, we exited the elevator onto the floor with our rooms in it. We then see Maya and Chris breathing for air and as usual, Chris's laugh filling up the hallway.

"Cheater" Maya laughs while trying to catch some air.

We all were assigned to our rooms and Maya would be sharing a room with Laura, our makeup artist and stylist. They both seemed to get along pretty well since Maya could really use another girl around. Erick and I entered our room and I fell to my bed. That was an exhausting flight. I wouldn't mind spending the whole year just sleeping.

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