Chapter 28

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At the moment I was getting dressed for a party that Chris was throwing for his birthday. I had already gotten him a gift even though I wasn't completely sure if he would like it or not. Joel would come to pick me up and we would head over to Chris's house together. For the first time ever, I was ready on time and was currently waiting for Joel in my lounge. The fact that my dad and I still weren't talking was eating me up alive. I couldn't take it anymore; he's my dad we are supposed to act like a family and be there for each other. My dad was currently in his bedroom and that's where I was heading over to. I knocked on the door and slightly opened it.

"Dad? Can I come in?" I ask.

"Yeah, come in" he sits up on his bed adjusting himself as he was on the laptop.

I walk inside and sit next to him awkwardly not knowing what to say.

"Dad look I'm so sorry I disobeyed you like that. I really have no excuse for it because you're my dad; you know what's best for me" I say with sadness in my eyes.

"Actually, I apologize too. Joel is your first boyfriend and it scares me to see my little girl growing up. Soon you'll be getting married, moving out and- " I cut him off.

"Woah dad don't worry we are taking things slow. I still have a lot of time before all that happens. Joel's a good guy and even till this date, he has always put his career first and I support him through everything" I reassure him.

"Just don't hurt yourself" he pulls me in for a hug.

"I can handle it" I hug back.

Just then, I hear the doorbell ring and I kiss my dad on the cheek before running out. Sure enough, it was Joel. He just keeps getting more handsome day by day. Which makes me thankful that he's mine.

"I have good news, I'll tell you later" I smile as I grab his hand and walk out the door into his car.

Throughout the whole ride, I explained to Joel that my dad had finally approved and we were on talking terms again. That's a bonus to my life. We had finally pulled up into the driveway of what seemed to be Chris's house. It was the loudest house in the street with music blasting, people dancing and party decorations all around.

"Maya hey, you made it" I turn around to see a familiar face.

It was the same girl from Joel and I's bowling date. The same girl that had come with Erick.

"Oh, um hi. Wasn't expecting you here"

"Yeah Erick invited me along. I was hoping you would come. I don't really know anyone here and Erick sort of ditched me for his friends" now I feel completely bad for being rude to her face.

"It's ok you can come hang out with me" I smile. "What's your name by the way I can't believe I forgot to ask" I ask her as we walk through the crowd of dancing teenagers.

"Sophia" she answers. "But Erick has told me a lot about you" she continues.

"Of course he has" I roll my eyes.

We had reached the table of food and drinks and I decided to pour us some drinks. It was starting to become hot because of the congested space. Sophia and I were just talking and dancing along up until Erick decided to approach us. He put his arm around Sophia and kissed her cheek then looking straight up at me.

"I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back" I tell Sophia over the loud music. Any excuse to get away from Erick.

I was walking through the house trying to find Chris so I could ask him where the bathroom was. I was on my tiptoes looking over people's heads. I then see Richard and Zabdiel sitting on the couch and I head over to them.

"Have you guys seen Chris?" I ask still looking around.

"Hi to you too" Richard replies.

"Sorry hey guys" I giggle as I hug both of them.

"Maya don't go wondering off on your own. Your dad told us to keep an eye out for you" Zabdiel says.

"You know you guys don't have to play babysitter everytime we go out. I can handle myself" I reply.

"Yes but let's not recount the camp incident" Richard replies.

I just playfully roll my eyes and walk away when I finally spot Chris. He was outside in the backyard with his other friends including Joel.

"Chris!" I run up to him.

"Maya you're here!" He happily yells as he sees me.

"Of course I am. I wouldn't miss your birthday for anything in the world. Happy birthday" I lean up to hug him. "Oh right, I just realized I came here to ask you something. Where's the bathroom? Because I have a bladder the size of a squirrel and I cannot hold it in any longer"

"Nice. Thanks for the disturbing image in my head. You can go to the one upstairs in my room" Without thanking him I run upstairs trying to look for his room.

I finally come across a door and opened up to see an empty dark room. Turning the lights on I walk into the bathroom. After doing what I had to do, I walk out and fix myself up in the dressing table mirror. I grabbed my phone that I had thrown on the bed and was about to walk out when I see the doorknob twist and open. I stopped in my tracks. It was only Erick and he came in as soon as he saw me.

"I was looking all over for you" he says.

"Why's that?" I ask

"Don't worry. Where's Joel? Did he ditch you again?" He chuckles.

"For your information, I came up here to use the bathroom" I spit at him with attitude in my tone. I pushed past him to open the door but he had stopped me by grabbing my wrist hard.

"Erick stop you're hurting me!" I wince.

"Relax Maya just listen to me!" He yells. His grip loosens as he sees me looking down almost in tears. Flashbacks of Ericks abusive behavior from backstage came rushing back.

"I'm not going to hurt you I promise. Just listen" he softly says. "What I wanted to say was... it's hard for me ok? It's hard for me to see the girl I like with someone else" he sits down on the bed looking down.

"I'm sorry Erick but I love Joel" I sit next to him.

"Do you really? How can you know that without giving me a chance?" he looks up at me.

"Erick are you listening to yourself? I'm with Joel. He and I love each other and it would be so wrong to even think about giving you a chance".

"Fine. If that's the case then say it to my face. Say it Maya say you hate me and you have never even thought about being with me" he faces me and looks me right in the eyes getting closer.

I had no reply. I was just lost in his eyes.

"That's right" he whispers. He leaned in and before I could process what was going on, I feel his lips attach to mine.

Just then the door slams open.

A/N: I see a love triangle on the way. Comment who you think walked in. Hint: It's not Joel. 

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