Chapter 25

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I couldn't help but think about how Erick was feeling the night we were lost. It was evident that he was trying to tell me something but I couldn't quiet put my finger on it. He also didn't seem too thrilled when we were being rescued by the boys. Now he was just avoiding me; almost as if he was mad at me. It was the fourth day of our camping trip and we were packing up to go home. At the moment I was packing up Joel's bag as he was outside helping Richard, Chris and Zabdiel packing up the tent. It was just Erick and I in his tent doing some last minute packs as I had already gotten my bag ready. I was just speeding up the process by gathering Joel's bag.

"Did I do something to offend you?" I ask as I turn around while I was sitting on the ground with Joel's unzipped bag in my hand.

"What makes you say that?" He blandly asks with his back still facing me. 

"Well, ever since the late night forest incident you've been avoiding me"

"I'm here now aren't I?" He says coldly.

"That's not what I meant" I snap getting annoyed by his sarcastic comments. "You haven't spoken to me as much and you've basically been staying away from me. So yeah, any normal human would assume they did something to offend a person".

"It shouldn't matter if I've spoken to you as much because you have Joel right" he gets up with his bag and heads out the tent. Still not even looking at me while talking.

What on earth is his problem and why is he giving me so much attitude while not even telling me what I did. I just shake the thoughts out of my head and stand up to walk out with Joel's bag.

"Ready babe?" Joel approaches me while placing one arm around me and grabbing his bag with the other.

The boys had finished detaching the second tent while I had finished placing all the bags in the car with Chris's help. We all did one last round of the place around the area to check if we were leaving anything behind. Nothing besides Erick and I's friendship. We had all jumped in the car and Chris began to drive off. 

"When can I drive?" I lean forward asking Chris since we had been driving for over an hour.

"Please Maya we want to get home in one piece" Richard replies since he was sitting in the passenger's seat.

"Wow rude much" I lean back and cross my arms.

"We're only messing with you" Chris laughs.

We had reached home and this time, I was back in my own house with my family while the rest of the boys were also back home. My dad hasn't been acting the same towards me ever since Joel and I had gone public about our relationship. Dinner was extremely awkward since dad and I weren't on speaking terms. I was rolling around my food with my fork and hadn't eaten a single bite. 

"You're not hungry darling? You've barely touched your food" My mum asks as she notices my actions.

"Maybe I'll eat later" I stand up while taking my plate to the kitchen and placing it on the counter while running upstairs.

I couldn't stand being in front of my dad if he was going to be acting like this everytime I was around. I threw myself on my bed and buried my face into my pillow trying to hold back tears. Why couldn't I ever make anyone happy? First my dad, now Erick and I don't even know why. Who's next on my disappointment list? I was in a bit of a depressed mood and didn't feel like moving away from my bed. Without realization I began to slowly drift off to sleep. 

9:17 am

I woke up with my stomach rumbling while the beam of sunshine was peeking through my curtains. I forgot I slept without having dinner last night and now I was starving. After I had gotten a little freshened up I decided to head downstairs for some breakfast. My mum had the T.V on in the lounge room with a cup of tea in front of her.

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