Chapter 31

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Today was the day. Today I would tell Joel what has been eating me up alive inside for the past several days. Everytime he's around me he seems so happy which makes me happy and that is one of the reasons why I always back out of telling him. At the moment I was in my room on my bed just reading a book. It was really nice, peaceful and quiet. Well it was up until I heard a herd of wild animals making their way up the stairs. At least that's what it sounded like.

"Surprise!" Chris yells as he barges in with the rest of the boys behind them.

"Hey guys" I chuckle as I put my book down to the side.

"Since you can't come to our shows anymore, we thought we would bring the show to you" Richard says with a wide smile on his face.

Zabdiel then comes in with a few 'get well soon' balloons while Joel walks in with my favorite Starbucks drink.

"Aw guys, you didn't have to" I hug Joel as he sits next to me.

"Yeah well we missed you Maya. Especially Joel, he cries in his bed at night like a hormonal teenage girl" Zabdiel teases him.

"I do not!" He playfully punches him.

"And plus, your mum promised us lunch" Chris adds.

"Of course, now it makes sense" I giggle.

I tied the balloons to my bed and watched them float in the air. I'm so thankful to have these goofballs in my life. They are truly the most amazing people on earth. Joel sat next to me on the bed and put his arm around me while the rest of the boys went around my room touching every little thing.

"I really don't see why you guys find these things interesting. It's all just junk" I say taking a sip of my iced green tea that Joel had given me.

"Oh let's play Monopoly!" Chris yells as he picks up the board game from my shelf.

"I hate that game no offence, why don't we just play truth or dare" I reply.

"Yeah I guess that sounds ok too" Chris replies.

They all huddle around on the bed and get comfortable. Everybody except for Chris who felt the need to do a dive onto my bed.

"Careful dude you're going to break the poor girl's foot even more" Richard says.

"Oops, sorry Maya I didn't realize" Chris moves away from my foot giving it some space.

I grabbed an empty bottle from my side table and spun it in a circle in the middle of the bed. It landed on Joel and Richard.

"Ok Richard truth or dare?" Joel asks.

"Dare" he confidently answers

"I dare you to lick your elbow"

"That's not fair, we all know only you can do that" Richard whines back.

"Well you did choose dare" I reply.

It was fun watching Richard struggle to lick his elbow.

"Nope, can't do it" he says as he gives up.

I spun the bottle again and this time it landed on Chris and I.

"Ok Maya truth or dare?" He asks. "Um... truth I guess" I reply. "What is your deepest darkest secret that no one knows about you?"

"Let me think" I look down thinking hard. There is a reason why it's called 'deepest darkest secret'.

"What about the kiss?" Erick says under his breath.

"The what?" Joel asks. "Nothing babe it's nothing" I cannot wait to kill Erick after this.

"What kiss is he talking about?" Joel hesitantly asks again.

"I don't want to talk about this now. I will tell you later please calm down" I say facing him.

"Tell me now Maya" he looks right into my eyes.

"Well" I look down and start fidgeting with my fingers. My heart pounding faster than ever. "You see, at Chris's party the other night, Erick and I might have accidently...kissed. But I swear it was an accident. I left the room immediately and I've been avoiding him ever since. I promise it meant nothing and I was about to tell you in private" I look up at him.

He just stays quiet not knowing how to feel about what I had just said. Joel opened his mouth to say something but closed it again.

"You guys knew about this?" He asks looking around at everyone else.

They all had nodded their heads yes in guilt. Without saying a word, Joel removes his arm from around me and stands up to walk out of the room.

"Someone go stop him" I say. I would go after my boyfriend but it would probably take a whole month to get to my door.

"Just let him go. He probably just needs space" Richard replies.

My mum was calling us to come down for lunch but I stayed in the same position that I had been.

"You coming?" Chris asks as the rest of them make their way out.

"I'll be down in a minute" I fake smile.

As soon as Chris had closed the door I whipped out my phone and dialed Joel's number. A few rings had gone by and no answer. It went to voicemail after I had tried the second time. I sent a few texts and still no reply. He hadn't even read them. There's only one thing I can do; go over to his house. I grabbed my crutches with my phone in my hand and headed downstairs slowly trying not to faceplant on the ground. When I had finally touched the floor, I see everyone at the dining table having lunch.

"Maya, care to join us?" My dad asks. Everyone turns around.

I just shake my head no and walk towards the door.

"Wait!" I hear a voice. I turn around to see Chris running up to me. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"To Joel. Because unlike Erick, I care about my relationship"

"At least let me take you then" he suggests.

I agreed for Chris to take me. We drove over to Joel's house and Chris went to knock on the door while I stayed in the car. His mum opened the door and they seemed to be talking for a while until Chris comes back to the car and jumps in the driver's seat.

"He's not at home" he says while looking at me.

A/N: I know this chapter sucked I'm sorry. But would you guys mind if I ranted about one of the members of CNCO at the end of my next chapter. I've been holding in this rant for a while and no one around me even knows about CNCO so that's useless. Just let me know if you guys are ok with it or not. 

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