Chapter 46

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I was currently at CNCO's rehearsal while the boys were having a sound check. Currently they were practicing their choreography. Everyone else seemed to be picking up the dance moves except for Erick. He was a little slow at learning the choreography. I don't blame him; the guy is only 17.

The boys had a personal choreographer that they used for every show and every music video. I was sitting on the wooden floor with my back against the giant mirrors scrolling through my phone.

"I can't seem to get it right" Erick groans pushing his hands through his hair.

"Don't stress Erick, here I'll show you" I stood up and walked over to him.

I had been watching them for quite a while and was beginning to learn it myself. I slowly moved my body to the set dance moves that they had been shown while Erick was trying to copy me so he could also get it right.

"There you go you're getting it" He was beginning to pick up on the choreography while the others were just standing there in silence staring at us.

"Wow your friend here has picked it up way faster" their choreographer says.

The others had gone back to practicing while Erick and I were on one side away from others. I watched him and corrected him every time he made a mistake. Although from the corner of my eye I would see Joel looking at us every now and then.

"Make sure you're facing this way when you do this step" I got closer to Erick and placed my hands on his hips moving them to the right side fixing his positioning. "Perfect" I smile. Our faces were just inches away and I felt his hot breath on my face.

"Thank you Maya"

"No problem" I smile while stepping away.

I kept watching him continue to practice until I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from the back and smelt a familiar cologne. 

"Maybe you can teach me too" Joel's voice whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"Should I? Hmm" I giggle as I turn around to face him

"I'm serious babe. I'm not getting the steps. You need to teach me not him" his grip on my hips had tightened and felt him place wet kisses all over my face. Was he jealous?

"Joel you have rehearsals, I don't want my dad to yell at me for distracting you"

He pulled away and looked into my eyes with lust before walking away leaving me standing there. I sat back down when all of a sudden Richard walks over to me bending down for his water bottle which happened be right next to me. 

"Hey" I smiled up at him

"Sup girl" he sat down for a five minute break. "I've been meaning to ask; how are you feeling?" 

"I'm guessing you saw the video" I look down at my hands in embarrassment.

"Ignore the haters Maya. Sooner or later people will stop talking about that video and eventually move on with their life. That's just how this industry works"

Who am I to disagree with someone who's had more exposure to fame than me.

"Thanks Richard" I forced a smile on my face while looking at him

The boys had then moved onto the main stage for their sound check. I was sitting in the audience seat watching them rehearse. I had been drinking a bottle of coke all day which had given me the sudden urge to visit the bathroom. Standing up and making my way towards to the door I hear Joel in the background on stage.

"Baby girl where are you going?" He sings into his microphone with his angelic tone. 

"I'll be back Joelito" I say without even turning around to look at him.

3:43 pm

I was supposed to be meeting someone in a while and as if on cue, I hear the doorbell ring. I was all ready to go and said goodbye to my parents before heading out.

"You ready to go?" I ask.

She nods her head and we both make our way to the bus stop. It took a while to get to our destination but we managed to make it there on time.

"Here we are" Alison says as we jumped off the bus and we see a graveyard behind a huge metal fence.

Making our way past the gates, I lead her to Natasha's grave. I didn't quite know what to say because Alison hasn't visited her sister ever since the accident. I brought her here so she could get full closure and accept that her sister is gone. We kept walking down the aisle of graves until we find Natasha's one. I stepped aside and let Alison do what she needed to do.

"Go ahead" I whispered nudging Alison since she was too nervous to do anything.

"Well um... hi Natasha it's m-me your sister" she muttered as she nervously played with her hands. "I um... well I'm not quite sure what to say. I miss you and the whole family does too" Alison looked down then back up at me. I nodded my head to reassure her that she was doing fine.

"I wish you would come back to us. The house is pretty e-empty and silent without you. I'm really sorry I didn't treat you well. I wish w-we could start all over again. Mum and dad still fight and blame themselves for your loss. But I p-promise to come visit you as much as I can. Well um... rest in peace my angel. You're in a much better place" she finishes off before her hands covered her face stopping herself from crying.

Tears began to stream down my eyes but I tried my best to stop them. I covered my mouth and looked down as I saw a couple of water drops fall into the dirt. Composing myself, I got closer to Alison and stood in front of her while embracing her in a hug as we both stood there sobbing.

Alison had finally got the closure that she needed.

A/N: In case no one knew, I love you guys. Your feedback and votes give me the confidence to keep writing. It seriously makes me so happy.

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