Chapter 15

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I was starting to get sweaty as I was swaying my hips to the beat of the music that was blasting. The boys were still around us on the dance floor. It was so crowded there was barely any space to even move around. My back was touching Joel's chest while he had both his hands on my waist. I turn around to face him and place my arms around his neck while still moving my hips. However, I could smell the scent of alcohol that was escaping from his lips. 

"Come here birthday girl" Chris grabs my arm. 

I turn around and start dancing with Chris. Not in a sexual way like I was with Joel. I wasn't touching Chris and he wasn't touching me either. We were just two friends having fun.

"I'm actually so thirsty!" I yell over the music so Chris could here me while I grabbed my throat as it was getting dry.

"Let me buy you a drink" he offers

I look over at Joel who was still dancing with Richard and Zabdiel. I quickly tell him I'll be back and continue to follow Chris.

"What can I get you my lady" he asks as we head over to the bar.

I just giggle at the way he asked and pointed at a soft drink. I hadn't had any alcohol all night and I don't plan to. That didn't stop Joel though. He was going at it all night and that sort of worried me. After grabbing our soft drinks, we decided to go sit down to have a break. 

"Wow clubbing really is something huh?" I say taking a sip

"Sure is. Are you alright to sit here? I just need to go to the men's room. I'll be back" he asks

"Yeah sure, I don't mind. I can manage" I smile while holding on to his drink.

With that, he walks off and I was left alone. I was bored so I took out my phone and began taking selfies and snapchat videos of my outfit. 

"What's a pretty lady like you doing here alone?" Says a deep voice as I was interrupted.

"Who me?" I ask looking around to see if he was talking to anyone else

He just laughs and takes a seat next to me. He had black curly hair and a leather jacket. I didn't pay attention to him as I was putting my phone away.

"Yes babe I'm talking to you" he places a hand on my bare thigh.

I move my leg away uncomfortably.

"Don't call me babe, I have a boyfriend" I tell him.

"I don't see him" he looks around.

I felt him coming closer and he was now snaking his hand around my neck and was about to pull me in.

"Leave me alone creep!" I try to get out of his grip

"Aye quit touching her!" 

Before I got a chance to look at who it was, the creepy guy was now on the floor with a bloody nose. It was Chris and he had punched the guy right in the face. 

"Let's go Maya" he grabs my hand and takes me back to the rest of the boys.

I just follow him with his hand still in mine. I thanked Chris for saving me back there. He really is a good-hearted person deep down.

"You should have came back to the rest of the guys. It's not safe being alone like that Maya. Drunk creeps everywhere. Especially because this is your first time" he explains to me.

"I...I'm sorry I just didn't want to disappear when you came back. I was just waiting for you" I say my face dropping to a frown.

"It's alright Maya. You're with us, we got your back. Chill Chris, she didn't know" Richard reassures me looking at Chris.

"I'm sorry Maya we just care about you and if something happens to you, your dad will literally kill us" he hugs me

"Thanks guys, it means a lot" I say as we all continued to dance.

Joel then makes his way to me and he looks even worse than before when I had left him. I'm guessing he had more drinks when I wasn't around. It didn't take long for the alcohol to take over his body and he was having trouble keeping his balance.

"Follow me" I grab his hand and we make our way off the dance floor and sit down somewhere.

"Stay here let me get you some water" I tell him as I leave him there alone.

I went to go grab my bag from where Laura had left them. Good job Laura, not a good idea to leave bags by themselves in a crowded club. I took out a glass water bottle from my bag to take over to Joel. I was making my way through the crowded environment. When I finally managed to grab some air, I head over to where Joel was sitting.

"No way" I whisper to myself.

Joel was surely sitting down there. But not alone. There was a girl with long straightened blonde hair who had her arms around Joel and was sitting on his lap with her legs together on one side. She was looking down at him and his back was leaning against the wall while looking up at her. They seemed pretty comfortable. I stood there in shock with the water still in my hands along with the bag.

Why wasn't Joel doing anything?

Where did this girl even come from?

I was only gone for a few seconds and I come back to see this. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces and drop out of my chest. I was feeling a million emotions at once. I angrily storm over to them and cross my arms waiting for Joel to notice. The girl seemed to notice before him.

"Are you serious Joel!?" I yell as he looks up

"Um Joel who is she?" The girl asks looking at me up and down and rolling her eyes.

I completely ignored her question and continued to scold Joel.

"I'm taking time out to help you and make sure you're ok and this is what I come back to!? You know what I don't even want to be here anymore. I'm out." 

"Oh and this is for you" I opened the water bottle and threw it all over the girls face and dress.

Before she could reply I ran off with tears streaming down my face. I finally ran out of the club and by now I was heavily sobbing. I leaned my back against a brick wall and sat down bawling my eyes out with my hands covering my face. The worst part is I can't even go to the boys for help. I would have no way to explain it to them. I just wanted to go home. Back home to my mum.

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