Chapter 27

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"Here's one surprise you forgot to mention" I told Joel pulling him aside.

"I know you wanted it to be just us but... fine how can I make it up to you. Do you want to ditch this then and go somewhere else?" I listened to him as I still had my arms crossed while looking over at Erick who was shamelessly smirking at me while flirting with his date.

"You want to make it up to me? Help me take them down" I pull Joel's hand back to them.

"Nothing makes me happier than a little competition" I sassily smile at Erick. 

Erick was up first; with all his confidence and ego; he still managed to get a strike. He cheers for himself and so does his date. Joel was up next; he knocked down all the pins except for one. The game had been going on for a while and by now, both teams were tied. In all honesty, Joel had been carrying the scores up because I was terrible even as my first time bowling. We were on our final round. Whoever scores a strike now wins the whole game. I had no hope for my team, Erick looked like he had been bowling all his life. I was up first and carried the ball positioning myself. Taking a sharp breath in, I rolled the ball down the alley without thinking over it. However, I had only managed to knock down half the pins. I groan and walk back to Joel.

"It's ok baby, you did your best" he comforts me.

Erick was after me and just as I expected; he got yet another strike and had won the game. 

"Yay Erick!" The girl runs up to him and tackles him in a hug as he lifts her up and spins her around.

I just roll my eyes and continue sipping my drink. I excused myself to go to the bathroom because I could not stand the sight of this right now.

"I'll be back" I tell Joel as I grab my purse and head off to the ladies' room.

As soon as I enter the bathroom I threw my purse on the dry shelf and looked at myself in the mirror trying to gather my thoughts. I was in a relationship with Joel and I was happy. So why does the sight of Erick paying attention to another girl bother me so much? I could possibly be looking at Ericks potential girlfriend right here. I knew he was the biggest flirt of the group but I've never really seen it with my own eyes until today. If Erick thinks his juvenile actions are bothering me then I'll show him how unbothered I am. I grab my purse, open the door and walk back to where everyone else was. I told Joel I wanted to get out of here and go home. We drove back home and the whole ride there was silent. I told Joel I was just tired and had a long day. 

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I say. Joel and I were standing on the doormat of my front door.

"Look Maya, I'm sorry I ruined our date. I know you wanted it to be us two only" he looks down holding both my hands.

"Don't be, I had fun" I lightly fake smile.

"I'll call you when I get home. Promise" he leans in to peck my lips.

I grab the back of his neck to stop him from pulling apart. I then feel him smile through the kiss as he grabbed onto my waist pulling me even closer. I finally pull away as a wide smile grows on my face. Our foreheads still touching. 

"Goodnight Maya" he whispers kissing my forehead one last time.

"Goodnight Joel"

He walked away as I stood there watching him until he had gotten inside his car. I waved him goodbye until he was finally out of my sight before heading inside.  I was so tired that I just wanted to sleep for the rest of the year. I quickly took off my makeup, changed into my night shorts and jumped into bed. Joel still hadn't called so I decided to rest my eyes not realizing that I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

9:38 am

I opened my eyes to the sunlight that was beaming through my curtains. I couldn't help but yawn and stretch my body. I looked at my phone and saw countless missed calls from Joel from last night.

"Whoops" I say to myself with guilt in my voice.

I call him back but no reply. He must be asleep so I hung up and went downstairs. Same old routine as everyday; have breakfast, play the silent treatment game with my dad and then pretty much laze around all day. My youth is passing me by; it's summer and all I'm doing is either spending time with my boyfriend or staying at home. My mum had told me to go get a few supplies from the supermarket that was close by from my house. I had nothing better to do so I agreed.

Changing into some presentable clothes, I grabbed my phone and some money from my mum and headed out the door. The walk to the shopping mall was about twenty minutes but I didn't mind. I enjoyed walking alone. I looked at the shopping list and skimmed through the aisles searching for what my mum had written down. I keep walking down the shopping aisles until I see a familiar figure. It was Erick with his mum.

"Shit" I whisper to myself as I begin to run back.

"Maya?" He yells from the other end.

'Keep walking. Keep walking' I think to myself as my speed became faster.

I wasn't watching where I was going so I ended up running into a whole pile of packed toilet paper and knocking them over causing everyone to look at me. 

"" Erick finally catches up and sees the state I'm in. I was on the ground surrounded by toilet paper.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Shopping" I embarrassingly laugh as I pick up a packet of toilet paper. He just chuckles and helps me up.

"I have to go" I say grabbing my things and starting to walk off but was stopped by Erick once again.

"Wait, I wanted to talk to you about last night" I stop and turn around to listen to him. I wait for him to continue.

"I thought the princess could take a joke" he cockily says.

"A joke?" I cross my arms. "You call ruining a date a joke?" I ask.

"Please Maya at least don't lie to yourself. I know you're not happy with Joel. I only came last night to show you that".

"You know nothing about us Erick. Don't you dare talk about Joel like that" 

"Really now?" He steps closer and looks into my soul with his beautiful yet mesmerizing green eyes. "I can make you feel so many different ways than Joel can. Admit it Maya the only reason you always run to me for help more than any of the other boys is because deep down even you know that you're not right for him". 

At this point I could just slap the smirk off his pretty little face.

"You have a sick mind if you think that" I blurt out before walking away.

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