Chapter 2

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I knew my dad was the manager of a boyband named CNCO but I never in my life would have thought they would be here at my doorstep just inches away from me. I realized I had stayed frozen for at least a minute before my dad broke the silence

"I think she just died a little" my dad laughed slightly 

My cheeks turned a bright shade of rosy pink and I stepped aside for them to come in. I still stayed quiet and was still in a bit of shocked state. They all came in one by one greeting my mum then me.

"Hey, whats up. I'm Chris, nice to meet you...."

"Maya" I tell him

"Right, nice to meet you Maya" a boy with a snapback introduces himself while shaking my hand

I then met the rest of the boys and we all went to the living room. I followed closely behind my dad like a lost puppy not trying to attract any attention on me. The thing about me is that I have social anxiety, I become extremely anxious and my body does this thing where it never knows how to function properly in a room full of people that I have never met. Hence, why I freeze up half the time and never know what to say.

"I apologize for showing up with them without a warning. Its just that they hadn't had dinner yet and most restaurants are closed by now. They insisted on McDonalds but I wanted to bring them home for a home cooked meal and just so we could get to know the boys more" my dad was telling my mum 

I was sitting on the arm of the sofa next to my parents as the rest of the boys were sitting across from us. I avoided making any eye contact with any of them. It might seem rude but I'm just not used to this. Relax Maya they're just boys not monsters. 

"That's alright honey, dinner was ready anyway" my mum replied

My dad told us that after dinner they would be heading back to the hotel that they had booked and wont be staying all night. Mum then stood up to get the dinner table set and I quickly followed behind her and offered to help. I was getting the soft drinks and glasses out and setting the table. I was about to grab something else when I accidently bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry" I say as I fix myself up and look at who I had ran into 

"No im sorry I should've watched where I was going. But hey um, I was just looking for the bathroom, do you mind showing me?" A boy with curly hair and brown eyes asked.

He had the perfect face structure, those chocolate brown eyes and smile could make any girl fall in love in an instant. I smiled and pointed towards the bathroom which was down the hall to the left. He thanked me and kept walking. 

It wasn't long until dinner was ready and we were all sitting at the dining table. I was sitting next to my dad and across me was the same boy that asked me for directions. Silly me, they introduced themselves earlier and now I remember who he was. Joel.

The room then filled with laughter and sounds of forks hitting plates as dad and the rest of the boys began telling funny stories while being on tour. I just sat there quietly and listened and laughed everytime any of them had said a funny story. I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes staring at me. I looked up pretending I was looking at the time and surely it was Joel. He saw me catch him and continued eating and looked around. 

"Who wants dessert?" My mum excitedly says while bringing out ice cream. 

Everyone cheered. I'm not much of an ice cream fan so I decided to collect dinner plates and head back to the kitchen

"I'll help" Joel says while collecting things from the table

"Such a gentleman Joel" Zabdiel teases

Joel just mimics him and they all laugh while Joel follows me to the kitchen with things in his hand.

"Um thanks, but you didn't need to" I smile at him shyly

"Its ok, im not a big fan of ice cream anyway" he replies while putting the things down

Joel and I had a bit of a chat while everything was finally put back in its place. I thanked him again for helping and I could feel myself get more comfortable with him than any of the other boys. Don't get me wrong, they all seem like pretty cool people. I just happened to talk to Joel more than others. A few hours had passed and it was time for the boys to head back.

They all thanked my mum for dinner and that they all had a great time. The boys were heading out the door one by one. Joel gave me a short goodbye hug before he exited. God he smelt so good I could just hug him all day. Wait what am I thinking. I shake the thoughts out of my head and finally closed the door. My dad had to go drop them off which is why he also left.

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