Chapter 22

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The day had finally arrived. The day that I have been looking forward to for the past two weeks ever since Richard had mentioned it. It was finally time to head off to our camping trip. The six of us were already on our way to our destination. It was a forest with a lake nearby and some cabins for people to camp in. But sadly, we hadn't known that before.

"Chris! You told us there weren't any cabins available. We brought tents for no reason?" I ask. Chris was in charge of checking if there was any decent place to sleep. But sadly, here we are, unable to use those cabins because we would need to pre-book them first.

"Blame the website not me" he replies. We all groan.

"It's fine, at least we brought tents" Zabdiel says trying to make us feel better.

We had only brought two tents; three people in each tent.

"So how do we decide who sleeps where?" I ask.

We had all decided by picking out random names from a hat. It was Chris, Richard and I in one tent. Whereas Joel, Erick and Zabdiel in the other. I had picked the inner corner of the tent for my own safety reasons. If a wolf was to come and attack us, at least I wouldn't be the first one dead. After we had finished setting up our tent; we all decided to go walk around and explore the place. We were walking across a mini lake that had stepping stones for us to walk over. The water was beautiful as the sun was reflecting its light on the water which made it more pleasing to look at. I was leading the boys even though I had no clue where I was going but it felt good to feel like a boss for once.

"Careful Maya it's slippery up there" Richard warns me as he was the one behind me. We were all walking in a line.

"Hey Maya look what I found" Joel yells from the back. I turn around to walk to him.

"I don't see it" I say bending down to the water.

I was too busy looking into the water at whatever Joel was pointing at, that I didn't realize I was seconds away from being pushed into the water from Joel. He had caught me and pulled me back before I had even touched the water.

"Joel Pimentel De Leon I will literally kill you!" I yell.

He was too busy laughing at his little stunt that he pulled on me.

"Ok I see how it is, if I were you I'd sleep with my eyes open tonight" I warn him as I continue walking. His facial expression had now dropped to a worried face.

We were all getting a little tired from all that walking and started to head back to the tents.

"So, who knows how to start a bonfire?" I ask as we took out some marshmallows to roast on fire.

It didn't take long for us to figure out how to start a campfire. It started to become darker so we ended up making our dinner on the fire while we were at it and saved the marshmallows for later. We were all sitting on wooden logs just talking and laughing. I asked the boys to sing a song as Erick had brought his guitar along. The song I requested for them to sing was Primera Cita; it was one of my favorites from their album. Erick began strumming his guitar as they all began to sing. Their voices were full of talent and just pure passion for their music. My body was gently moving side to side as their beautiful voices filled my ears.

"Wow that was amazing" I excitedly clap as the song had ended.

"Thanks Maya" they laughed at my excited reaction.

Erick had put his guitar back down and we resumed roasting our dinner. I was sitting next to Erick and my eyes were on the fire. I felt a pair of eyes on me; I look up to see Erick just staring at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I lift my hand up to my mouth.

"No" he chuckles. "You just look really beautiful, that's all" he smiles.

The fire at night was making his eyes sparkle even more. I smile and blush while looking down. I didn't think much of it, he probably just meant it in a friendly way. He knew I was dating Joel therefore, there was no way he would flirt like that. My attention went back to the fire and the smell of the food was now filling up the place.

"Mmm that smells amazing" I say as I close my eyes and breathe in the smell.

After dinner was finally cooked we all began to eat. I should eat camp food more often, it just tastes so fresh. It didn't take long for us to finish dinner as we were all starving.

"Who wants to play never have I ever?" I ask. They all agreed except Zabdiel because he had no idea how the game went.

"Ok so we all lift up ten fingers, I ask a question and if you've done it you put one finger down. If you haven't done it, you leave your fingers up. The person with all their fingers down first loses" I explain.

"Alright lets do this" he says as everyone lifts up both their hands so all ten fingers are visible.

"Ok I'll start; never have I ever sent a shirtless selfie" I ask.

We all look at each other and everybody still had their fingers up. Well, everyone except Richard. I gasp as that was my initial reaction and then we all started laughing.

"My turn. Never have I ever dated a fan" Zabdiel asks. Again, we all look around to see who would put their finger down. Surely enough, it was Richard, Erick and Chris who were putting a finger down.

"Put your finger down Joel" I say. "Technically, I am a fan". I was a fan of CNCO before I had met them but I wasn't a complete CNCOwner.

I was starting to get thirsty and realized we had no water around. Zabdiel was in charge of the drinks and told me to go look in his tent for any soft drinks or water. I stood up and went inside their tent to look for Zabdiel's bags. I had no idea what his bag looked like therefore, I decided to snoop through all the obvious bags. I unzipped one of the bags and knew straight away it was Joel's as I had helped him pack. I was zipping it up when a small plastic wrapper had fallen out. It was still unwrapped so I picked it up to look at it.

"Oh my gosh" I whisper to myself in shock.

It was a condom. 

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