Chapter 16

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"Maya? Oh my god what happened?" Erick opens the door to where I looked like a complete mess.

Hair was all over the place, my white dress was dirty and even almost ripped because the material wasn't that strong. Dried up tears on my face and at this point, you couldn't tell the difference between me and a homeless person who went clubbing.

"Can I come in?" I sniffle trying to hold back even more tears.

"Of course, what happened to you?" He opens the door and I walk in taking my heels off.

"I'm not sure I can tell you Erick. I'm sorry"

"What do you mean you can't? Is it that bad or are you just trying to hide something?" He asks still worried.

I couldn't do it anymore I just had to tell him. Screw the secret, screw Joel and screw the promises he made about being a 'better boyfriend' and 'treating me better'. We all see how long that lasted. This was becoming too much. I sat us both down and told him everything from the start straight from scratch. I told him to hold the questions till the end and when I was finally done, I just wanted to cry even more because of all the memories flooding back. He said nothing but just pulled me into a hug.

"You're not mad or upset?" I ask confused as I also wrapped my arms around his body.

"Of course not. I'm just glad you got it all out. You can trust me, I won't tell anyone else. But god why would Joel do that? That really doesn't sound like him" he questions himself confused.

"I don't know but he did it"

Erick was receiving a call and he picked up straight away.

"Hello?" He said into the phone.

"Yeah bro she's with me".

After telling whoever was on the phone that I was safe with him, he hung up and put his phone to the side. He told me it was Chris asking about me and why I had just disappeared. My heart broke even more. I had a little bit of hope left for Joel but clearly, he seems to be enjoying himself.

"Why don't you take a shower and we can watch a movie how does that sound?" He asks

"I'd like that" a smile forms on my lips

I stood up grabbing my heels in my hands and walking out the door. Bless human beings like Erick. He was such a sweetheart and I felt so guilty using him every time I had a problem with Joel. Joel should be the one suffering not me. I shook the thoughts out of my head and stepped inside the shower after I had gotten undressed. I let the warm water run down my body and it was honestly the best feeling ever after the night I just had.

"Mmm, I needed this" I moan to myself.

After finishing up my shower, I put on my night gown with sleeping shorts and a tank top underneath and dried up my hair. It wasn't long until I made my way to Ericks room again. I didn't even bother knocking I just walked in. Erick was setting up the TV while sitting on his bed and I walked over to him.

"Any suggestions?" He asks looking straight at the T.V

"How about Tangled?"

"Going towards Disney I see. Sure, why not. Ladies choice" he replies while choosing the movie.

Just as we were getting comfortable on Erick's bed, there was a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" I ask getting up to answer

"Room service for Erick Brian?" One of the hotel workers asked with a trolley full of food.

"Yup that's us" Erick answers from inside as I move to the side so he could bring the trolley in.

We both thank the man as he walked out and I followed to shut the door.

"Wow Erick you did all this?" I ask

"Ssh, the movie is starting" he pulls me closer to him as I got comfortable again.

Joel's POV

I had a massive headache and all I wanted to do was get out of here. I kept getting phone calls from the boys and even Laura. All of them asking where I was because it was time to go home. I was in the boy's bathroom washing up my face trying to look even the tiniest bit alive. After that I began to walk outside because that's where everyone was waiting. Our ride was already here so I just had to jump in.

"Wait where's Maya?" I ask looking around.

"She caught an uber back to the hotel" Laura replied. My thoughts began to rush back to the last time that Maya and I were talking.

My headache became even worse from stressing over Maya that I just shook the thoughts out of my head. We had reached the hotel and we all began to walk upstairs to our rooms. I turned the knob of my door pushing it open and couldn't believe my eyes as to what I was staring at. I stood there frozen not knowing what to do or think.

"What happened to you- woah" Chris was about to ask when he even saw it himself.

Maya and Erick in one bed. Both asleep with a movie playing on the T.V. Erick had his arm wrapped around Maya quite tight and she seemed to be extremely comfortable in his arms. As much as I hated this sight, I didn't want to wake any of them up. I decided to get changed and turned off the TV. After taking pain killers and switching off the lights, I threw myself onto my bed lifting the covers over my head. I was too tired to do or say anything to them. My biggest priority right now was to get rid of this massive headache. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep but was interrupted when I heard a soft females voice that wake me up again.

"Joel is that you?"

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