Chapter 38

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I was woken up by my alarm going off. Joel's a deep sleeper which is why it didn't bother him at all. I sat up and switched off my alarm while shaking Joel to wake up.

"Joel" I whispered shaking his shoulders.

He wouldn't move a single muscle so I decided to try my own way. I leaned down at him and began softly kissing his neck on each side.

"Mmm" he moaned moving around with his eyes still shut.

He finally opened his eyes until he was alert and looked around.

"Shit, was I here all night?" He asks.

"Yes, and I have to get ready for school" 

I stood up and put my shoes on; I was heading towards the bathroom until Joel stopped me by grabbing my wrist and pulling me back until I was on top of him again.

"Yesterday was amazing Maya" he huskily whispered in my ear which sent chills down my spine.

I remembered everything from yesterday and I became a blushing mess all over again. I nodded my head in agreement while giving his lips one soft kiss before standing up again.

After I was freshened up, I was making my way out of the bathroom when I see Joel putting his shoes on and opening the door to leave. I quickly ran to pull him back from his shirt, stopping him and shutting the door again.

"Woah where do you think you're going?" I whisper yelled.

"Home? Don't you have school?"

"Yeah well you can't just walk out of my room like that. Do you know what my parents would do to me if they found out you slept over in my room?" My face turns into a worried expression. 


"Look just wait here until I think of something" I say looking outside my door for any sign of my parents. "Ok how about this, I distract my parents and when the coast is clear, you make a run for it. I'll leave the door open to make it less obvious" I explain to him.

"Ok but just on one condition" he says.

"That is?" 

"Can I get a goodbye kiss at least?" He pleads.

The seriousness in my face turns into a smile as I lean up and attach my lips to his. He puts an arm around my waist as he uses the other hand to move the hair out of my face. 

"Why do you have to do this to me?" I mutter in between kisses.

"Do what babygirl?"

"Make me want you more?" I mumble as I now get on my tip toes and I feel him smile through the kiss.

Everytime I kissed Joel, it was like I was falling in love all over again. He's got the charm in him that every girl dies for.

"As much as I'd like to continue this, I really have to get going" I pulled away and gave him a warm smile.

"I'll pick you up after school?" He held my hand. 

I nodded my head yes before heading downstairs leaving him there. After I had finished my breakfast, I grabbed my bag and headed outside. I look around the street to see no sign of Joel or his car. He must have left while I was still inside. I wasted no more time and started to walk to school. I see Ingrid sitting at a bench with our other friends which I then walked over to them.

"Hey Maya- Oh wow" she stops halfway looking at me surprised.

"What's wrong?" I ask worried. She jumps off the table and pulls me aside.

"Maya your neck" she whispers.

I take out my mirror and look into it revealing a severely bruised neck due to Joel's hickies from yesterday. I gasped in shock while covering my mouth. How am I meant to walk around school today like this?

"Don't worry, I got you" she pulls out a small silk scarf from her bag and hands it over to me. 

I thank her and wrap the scarf around my neck covering any visible marks.

"You are a life saver" I say once more while looking into the mirror.

"Just keep it G rated next time" she teases as the school bell rang for class.

Ignrid and I were heading to our first class together which was math's. We were talking and laughing with our arms linked pushing through the crowd of students giggling at every little thing; your typical school best friends. It was all going well until I see someone familiar. Someone that I did not have a good history with in the past. Someone I thought I'd never see again yet, here she is. 

"Alison?" I whispered to myself as I stopped in my tracks which also stopped Ingrid.

Alison was what you called 'the school bully'. To be more specific she was my school bully. She was expelled last year for giving me a nervous breakdown and a panic attack in the girl's toilets but I didn't think she would be back.

I was an easy target for her because she knew I was never confident enough to stand up for myself which is why she feels the need to physically and verbally abuse me. I hid myself behind Ingrid and continued to push through the crowd trying not to get noticed. 

"What was that about?" Ingird asks as I set myself back to my normal state as soon as we had entered our classroom.

"I'll tell you later"

The whole day was going slow and I just wanted the school day to end. At last, that happened. The final bell had rung and I made my way out of the class waiting for Ingrid outside her classroom. 

"Do you mind if I give this back tomorrow?" I ask lifting the scarf.

"Sure chica"

"Thanks" I gave her a hug before we headed off into our different directions.

I finally see Joel's car and I run towards it.

"So, I asked your parents and they said it's ok if I bring you to the studio" he says as I was putting on my seat belt.


"Yes now, your dad will be there too"

"Joel no, I look disgusting in my school uniform"

"If I show up late because of you then I'm the one getting yelled at"

"Ugh fine" I groaned leaning back on the headrest. 

Joel was pulling up into the parking lot of the studio and I jumped out of the car as soon as he took out his keys.

"Aye look who it is" Richard cheers excitedly as I entered with Joel behind me. 

They all turn around and look at me then continue to do whatever they were doing. I walked towards them to see what they were so focused on and it was lyrics to their new song. 

"How are you feeling?" Chris asks as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I knew exactly what he meant.

"I'm doing fine thanks" I slightly smile up at him. He was definitely talking about Natasha's incident. "As much as it hurts me inside to think about it, I am glad about one thing" I continue.

"What's that?" He asks.

"She got to meet her idol" I look up at Chris and smile referring to him since I knew Natasha was a big fan.

Be Mine - Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now