Chapter 23

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"Did you find it?" I hear a voice.

I quickly turn around and hide the wrapper behind my back.

"Not yet. Could you please call Joel in here for a second" I ask Zabdiel as he gives me a confused look but then heads out calling Joel's name.

"What's up" he comes in.

"What on earth is this?" I whisper yell as I show him what I had found.

"Oh...well about that" he says grabbing the back of his neck with his right hand. I know this body language; he does this when he is nervous or stressed about something. "It's not what it looks like. I didn't mean to buy it intentionally. You see, when I went to drop Gabe off to school I went to the pharmacy on the way back. I needed some pain killers because we ran out of them at home and when I was walking towards the counter to pay, I see these and I just decided to buy one. I wasn't planning on using it because you know...we haven't really been that far with eachother" he explains.

"It's ok I understand" I reassure him. I know he means well and that he didn't mean to freak me out like that. "But who knows, maybe we might need it later" I wink at him then stand up to walk outside while handing him back the wrapped condom.

We continued the game and Joel and I ended up tying. I had discovered a lot about these boys and I must say, I was quite shocked when I found out Erick wasn't a virgin. I guess he lets his eyes do the talking around the girls he likes. It was starting to get late and dark and we all agreed on going to sleep. I wanted to change into my night clothes so I warned the boys to stay out of my tent until I was done changing. I took out my white top and pink shorts from my bag as I began to strip my clothes off. I first put on my shorts and was then left in my shorts and bra. I was picking up my shirt from my bag when I heard footsteps inside the tent.

"Jesus Christ Joel! You need to quit doing that!" I scream as I turned around and see Joel walk in

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"Jesus Christ Joel! You need to quit doing that!" I scream as I turned around and see Joel walk in. I quickly covered my bare body with my shirt that I was about to put on.

"No one told me you were changing. Plus, I like what I see" he smirks as he walks over to me.

I just roll my eyes and ignore his comment while beginning to place my shirt over my body. I then felt a pair of strong hands stop me from doing so.

"Let me help you with that" he says grabbing the shirt off me and throwing it on the ground. He then caresses my face with his right hand and places his left hand on my waist. He looks at my lips while licking his, then back up at my eyes.

"God you're so beautiful" he whispers. By now my heart was beating faster than it ever was. Without hesitation, he leans in and slowly connects his lips to mine. Our lips move in sync; like they were made for each other. I let him kiss me for a few more seconds before I pulled away and grabbed my shirt putting it on.

"Sorry maybe another time" I bite my lip while grabbing my clothes.

"Oh come on Maya, you always do this" he whines.

"Goodnight Joel" I give him one last kiss before motioning him out my tent.

A while later Chris and Richard come in. I was already tucked into my sleeping bag and was pretty comfortable. Richard's sleeping bag was next to mine and Chris's one next to him. We were using a torch to move around and once everyone was finally lying down, we turned the torch off. It wasn't long before I began to doze off in a deep sleep. My eyes were slowly shutting themselves when they all of a sudden flew open due to a noise of leaves crackling. I gasp and my body shot right up. I knew it. I knew we were going to die and be eaten by wolves.

"Richard" I whisper as I nudge him. No response. The shuffling of leaves continued and I was now starting to hear footsteps. "Richard wake up" I nudge him harder. Are all boy's heavy sleepers?

He moans and groans while shaking my hand off his body. I groan in frustration as I pull out my phone and decide to call Joel. I know I can just walk out and walk straight into his tent but I was not going out there with a killer on the loose. I dialed his number but the call died after a few rings due to low service.

"You have got to be kidding me" I grunt in frustration as I lock my phone and put it down.

I was now starting to hear breathing from outside and it didn't seem like the mysterious being was far from our tent. I was now becoming even more anxious and afraid of what could be out there roaming around.

"Richard please wake up" I nudge him one more time.

I see his eyes flutter open in the dark.

"What's wrong?" He asks still half sleepy. 

"I think there's something out there" I tell him while still worried.

"It's probably just a bat I don't know" the noise all of a sudden stopped and he went back to sleep. "See?" He says before dosing off again.

I still wasn't relieved enough to sleep so I decided to suck it up and go out there myself. I quietly stood up while putting my shoes on and stepping over the boys to get out. I first poked my head out just in case there really was something. I was just keeping the coast clear for myself. When I thought it was safe enough, I walked out and quietly walked around both tents. When I made my way to the bonfire area I had finally figured out who was making that noise. It definitely wasn't bats, wolves or a serial killer.

"Erick? What are you doing out here you scared me" I say as Erick's head shot right up as he was sitting on one of the wooden logs around the burnt out campfire that we had lit. 

Be Mine - Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now