Chapter 33

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WARNING: This chapter might trigger some readers so prepare yourselves.

Maya's POV

I was currently on a FaceTime call Natasha. Remember her? The CNCOwner that I met on the plane? Yes, that Natasha. Since I was bored out of my mind, I was scrolling through my contacts list and came across her name and decided to give her a ring. We had been talking for an hour now.

"Hey why don't we meet up sometime? My school starts again in two weeks and was thinking we should totally hang out" I say while fixing my earphones with my phone still in my hand.

"Same here girl, I haven't done anything even remotely interesting this summer. I'm free tomorrow though"

I agreed to meet her tomorrow at the local cafe that was nearby. Turns out she didn't live far from me either so that was convenient for the both of us. However, I was planning on taking a surprise with me.

"Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow then" I smiled through the screen.

"Sure thing, take care" she smiled.

"You too"

As soon as I hung up, I texted Chris straight away.

'Chris, has anyone ever told you that you're my favorite'

'Ok Maya what do you want' I had gotten a reply within the next few seconds.

'For you to come to the café with me tomorrow to meet someone. Please?'

'This isn't one of your little set up dates is it? I was serious when I said I don't want to rush my dating life yet'

'No I promise it isn't. It would just mean a lot to her that's all'

After some strong persuading, I managed to lure him into agreeing to come. Just because Joel and I aren't on talking terms, doesn't mean the rest of the boys have to be too.

They understand what's going on and respectively chose to stay out of it until the issue resolves itself. I'm not going to lie to myself and say I don't miss Joel. I miss him more than anything and I just wish I could rewind back a few days ago. I don't know about him but I'm not giving up just yet. I threw my phone on my bed before sitting on the edge of my sheets while running my hand over it.

Occasionally I would zone out of my thoughts because my mind was elsewhere. It was starting to get late as I began to change into my night clothes. I had already had dinner and now it was just the matter of taking my pain medication before heading off to bed.


I was woken up by the sound of tyres being dragged across the road because I had my window open throughout the night. What sort of brain dead human thinks it's ok to start drag racing at 9 in the morning. I'm a light sleeper and any light noise wakes me up in an instant.

I decided to get up and go eat since I wouldn't be able to go back to my deep sleep. I still had three hours until I had to meet Natasha at the café. I used these few hours to laze around. Scrolling through my Instagram feed I felt my heart skip a beat when I came across a photo that Joel had posted last night with the caption 'Working on a new song, super excited for you guys to hear it'.

A smile grew on my face; he was so beautiful I could just get lost in his eyes all day. I missed him. I needed him.


I looked up from my phone screen to see my mum standing in front of me.

"Huh? What sorry I was just looking at something" I reply shaking the thoughts out of my head.

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