Chapter 11

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The girls were sitting down at the main lounge backstage while I was still working around my dad. There was a band photo of the boys on paper in which were meant to be given to fans at their next concert for the boys to sign. Me being the prankster that I am, I decided to keep one for myself and had a plan in mind on what I would do with it. The boys were finally making their way back from the meet and greet and that's when I see Chris yelling my name walking towards me with open arms.

"Maya my best friend come here!"

"Christopher Velez Munoz, don't you dare touch me with those sweaty arms!" 

It was too late and before I knew it, his wet arms and head were already touching my skin

"Eww Chris. For your next birthday I'm buying you fifty cans of deodorant" I squeal trying to get out of his grip

"Aw come on niña, you're no fun" he pouts

"Speaking of birthdays, isn't yours like next week?" Joel asks interrupting

"Looks like someone remembers" Richard nudges him

"Yeah it is, how'd you know?" I giggle. I clearly don't remember mentioning my birthday to any of the boys.

"He stalked you all over social media the day we came to your house for dinner" Erick says 

Joel just pushes him playfully and tells him to shut up. I took the boys to the lounge room where the girls were waiting. I open the door revealing the girls and as soon as they saw the boys, they screamed like a bunch of typical fangirls. I don't blame them, I was once a fangirl too. Now I'm happily dating my celebrity crush. It all seems too unreal to me. The boys walk in and hug the girls one by one.

"I'll leave you guys to it" I say as I was about to walk out

"Wait stay" Joel stops me by grabbing my arm

I decided to stay anyway as I had nothing better to do out there. One of the girls asked me to take a group photo of everyone and of course, I did as she said. She also took a selfie with each of the boys and decided to set Joel and hers photo as her phone wallpaper. Hey I'm a clingy protective girlfriend I notice everything.

I need to protect my man like a bulldog. Now I remember her name, Vanessa, the same girl who was flirting with Joel back at the hotel. Now the same jealousy feeling was coming back but I didn't let it ruin my mood and I decided to keep my calm. Occasionally, Joel would look over at me and smile just to reassure me that I had nothing to worry about. It was getting late therefore, it was time for the girls to leave. At this point I couldn't be any happier. They gave the boys one last hug before heading out the door. It was also time for us to head back to the hotel. 

"Hey Maya, race you to the top again?" Chris asks cheekily

"Oh youre on"

It didn't even take us 2 seconds before we both dashed off up to the stairs and Chris laughing the whole way which made me burst into laughter too. Chris had longer legs than me therefore, he had won this race. For now at least.

"If you guys don't stop acting like kids, I will not hesitate to send you both back home" my dad says as he walks past us with the rest of the guys.

"Feel free to send him back home" I say referring to Chris

Chris just smacks the back of my head lightly because of what I had said about him. 

9:33 am

The boys had an extra day off today and we all planned on going to a carnival that was going on nearby. My dad said he trusted the boys to take care of me while I went with them. Laura wasn't that enthusiastic about coming with us no matter how many times I had begged her. I finally gave up and began to get ready. After taking my long shower and blow drying my hair, I applied some simple make up and headed out the door. So far only Erick, Richard and Zabdiel were down at the lobby and all of them on their phones.

"Are those girls still getting ready?" I ask referring to Chris and Joel.

"Yup" Erick replies while his attention still on his phone.

"So wheres the body guard?" I ask looking around

"We're not taking one" Richard replies

"What? Really? Why not? You guys will literally get trampled over by a million screaming girls. Its easy for me though, I can just walk away on my own and enjoy" I sassily say

"If we take a bodyguard, we will just attract more attention. Think about it" Zabdiel adds

As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. I thought about it and how often do you see five boys walking around a carnival with a bodyguard. Joel and Chris finally made their way to us and we all left the lobby and hopped into the car. We told the driver where to go and it wasn't long until we had reached our destination.

We all payed for our tickets and I excitedly ran through the entrance. For the first forty minutes or so we just walked around playing games, winning prizes and buying food. Chris was more focused on the food than the actual carnival. We made our way to the Ferris wheel. 

"I'm sorry guys but you cant have more than five people in one carriage" the lady told us

"We will just go three and three then" Richard says

Before I got a chance to move towards Joel, Richard had already dragged him and Erick to one carriage.

"Maya" Joel calls out my name worryingly while looking back at me

This cannot be happening.

The next carriage was empty so Chris, Zabdiel and I entered. My eyes still following Joels carriage. There wasn't much I could do anymore I guess I would still see him when I get off. No big deal. I have to admit; the view was beautiful. I asked Chris to take a photo of me with the view behind me. The ride went by pretty fast I hadnt even noticed it was time to get off. I jumped off and saw Joel waiting for me. I ran up to him and just stood by him while waiting for the rest of the boys. I linked my arm with Joels while his hands were in his pockets. 

"It's cold" I say out loud in case anyone asked why I was holding on to Joel like that.

"Oh my gosh, is that CNCO!?" We all turn around to see a screaming teenager who looked like she was about to faint at the sight of the boys.

Before I had time to process what was going on, girls slowly began to pile up near the boys. Asking for signatures and photos. I was just being pushed around and somehow, I lost grip of Joels arm and I too was being trampled over by screaming girls. That was it, I had lost Joel and I couldn't even see the rest of the boys. Out of all the screaming girls, I heard Joels voice trying to call my name. I get on my tiptoes to see over the girls heads but it was useless. 

"Maya!" There it was again.

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