Chapter 7

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I was just hanging out backstage, helping my dad with running small errands while the boys were getting ready for their concert which was about to start in twenty minutes. So occasionally I would hear words like

"Maya could you do this" or "Maya could you do that" from my dad.

I was running around like a maniac trying to get things done on time. My dad needed some papers printed so I was speeding down the hallway with my open hair flying everywhere.

"Woah there flash" Joel stops me by grabbing my arm and turning me around

He was walking the opposite direction in which I was running and probably saw what a stressed mess I looked like.

"I'd love to stay and talk but I really need to get this done" I say

"Can't you spare five minutes? I go on stage soon and I won't be seeing you" he grabs my waist which made me smile and look down shyly.

"For you anything" I say grabbing onto his shoulders

There was no one besides us in this current hallway that we were standing in. We just stood there talking while Joel's arms still wrapped around my lower waist. He already had his earpiece in and was about to say something when we heard Ericks voice down the hall.

"Lets go bro" he says while looking at us

Joel quickly let's go of my waist making sure Erick saw none of that. He frowns and looks at me. I just giggle at his adorable frowning face. I kissed his cheek for good luck and told him to go before he gets told off by anyone. He still held on to my hand and started to walk away until our hands slipped away. I watched him walk away and when he was finally on stage, I continued to do my job. I could hear the crowd cheering as they walked on stage.

It wasn't long until they started their first song 'Hey DJ'. Oh lord, Joel had such a beautiful voice I could just listen to it all day.

"Sorry for the delay, the machine messed up" I handed my dad the papers

"Thanks darling, why don't you take a break"

Oh sure, now he gives me a break when Joel is on stage. Perfect timing dad. I decided to grab a can of coke from the vending machine and sat down next to Laura on the couch with my phone, scrolling through the hashtags "#cnco" on Instagram. It was all the photos and videos of the boys from tonight's concert. I didn't even realize time had gone by so fast. I then heard the boys coming down the hallway making a lot of noise. How did I know it was them? Trust me, Chris's laugh is recognizable from miles away. They all finally come into the room that we were in and sat down tiredly.

"Can we talk?" I look up and see Joel with his hand out

I take his hand and we both leave the room. No one else noticed because they were all to busy still hyped up from the concert.

"Don't you want to drink or eat anything first? You look tired" I say worryingly as I look at a sweaty and tired Joel

"Later. Look Maya I was thinking and I don't think I can do this 'just friends' thing. I am an honest person and I'm going to go ahead and say it. I'm a selfish person and I want you to be mine already before any of the other boys take you" he says taking my hands and looking right into my eyes.

"I don't know Joel, I don't want to come in between you and your career. I don't want to be a distraction. Youre finally living your dream and I don't want it to be ruined so fast" I say looking down

"Hey no need to worry. I even want this myself. You're nowhere near a distraction Maya trust me" he lifts up my chin

"So I am going to ask you something I should have asked a while ago. Maya Francis, will you make me the happiest guy ever and be my girlfriend?"

The biggest smile forms on my lips and I nod my head happily.

"Good well in that case, can I finally get that kiss?" He smirks

Without saying a word, I lean up while he leans down and our lips connect. Our lips become in sync and I wrap my arms around his neck while his around my waist pulling me closer. This went on for a while because none of us wanted to let go. I finally pull away and I still had that big grin on my face.

"I can officially call you mine" I whisper as my forehead touches his

Joel and I started to head back into the room with the rest of the boys hand in hand. Before entering I let go of his hand and open the door. Yup, my dad was in there too. 

"I'm not sure how he's going to feel about us" I look up at Joel.

I decided I would talk to him first before making us official. I didn't want to get any of us in trouble if he didn't approve. But I know my dad, he's been the most understanding man in my life. I pulled my dad aside for a talk as Joel took a seat on the couch with the rest of the boys. We talked about it and I also told him about how Joel is a great guy and would always put his music first. He didn't seem so enthusiastic about the idea of Joel and I being a couple. He started to turn mad and told me it wasn't ok for this.

"But dad you don't understand" I say

"No Maya, that's my decision and that's final. I never want to talk about this again!" His voice raised causing everyone in the room to look at us.

He walked out of the room and tears started to form in my eyes. I ran out in embarrassment crying and I see Joel follow.

"He said no Joel, now what?" I say in between sobs 

"Baby I am so sorry I should have talked to him myself" he pulls me in for a hug

"We will just have to do it in secret then" I calm myself down.

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