Chapter 9

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I walk back up to my room where I see Laura had finally arrived and was unpacking her things. My phone was a vibrating mess. Non-stop calls and messages from Joel. I decided to ignore.

"Arent you going to answer that?" Laura asks pointing at my phone

I look at my phone again and see Joel's caller ID pop up

"Nope" I dryly reply

"Funny how he can waste his time and energy calling and texting when he can easily just come up here himself. Oh wait, he probably didn't want to leave his girlfriends behind" I say to myself sassily

Laura just looks at me completely confused and waiting for an explanation.

"Long story, tell you later" I say as I throw myself onto the bed.

I have never been so bored at a hotel. I decided to sleep to get rid of the thoughts when I heard constant knocking at the door. Laura decided to answer

"Is Maya here?" It was Joel

Laura looks back at me for a reply

"Tell him I'm dead" I say sleepily with my face buried into the pillow and my body lying down on it's stomach.

"I heard you" Joel says opening the door widely and letting himself in

"Congratulations, you have ears" I snap back at him

I decided to give Joel the silent treatment for the rest of the day. Call me stubborn but he deserves it. He came and sat next to me on the edge of the bed. He began moving my hair out of my face but I just turned the other way so the back of my head was now facing him.

"Maya don't do this" he says

"Do what Joel!? Just leave me alone ok I don't want to talk to you. I'm hiding a whole relationship from my dad for you and this is how you want to act. Giving girls free tickets, pretending like I don't exist around them" before he got a chance to reply I stormed out of the room leaving him there.

From this moment on I decided not to talk to him at all until this boy realizes what he did really hurt me. My dad told us all that we would be going out for dinner at a nearby restaurant and told us all to go get ready. I decided to go all out extra tonight. You know, since Joel wants to act up, no worries two can play the game.

I thanked myself that I had brought along a few tight and short dresses. I decided to wear a red dress with a low neck. It had straps and it was short enough not to cover much of my thighs. I had asked Laura if she could do my make up for me because I was only good at simple make up. Technically, I know she's the boy's stylist but she agreed to do it for the sake of friendship. I curled my hair and applied some perfume. I took a photo for Instagram and posted it straight away.

"Woah" Erick looks up at me and Laura while we were walking towards the boys and my dad

Just then, the rest of the boys look up too, including Joel. We wasted no time in getting into the car and since we were in a hurry, Joel ended up sitting next to me.

"You look beautiful Maya" Erick says in his cute Cuban accent helping me step out of the car as I had heels on.

"Thanks Erick, you don't look too bad yourself" I smile at him.

I could just feel Joel's eyes piercing at us.

"Let's go, I want to sit next to you" I linked my arms with Erick and we started to walk ahead of the others. I was also loud enough for Joel to hear me.

Erick and I reached there earlier than the others and found a booth big enough for all of us. Erick got in first then I did. Zabdiel next to me and Laura next to him. Across from Erick was Joel, next to him was Chris, then my dad then Richard. Everyone picked up their menus and started ordering. My dad asked me what I had wanted. I still hadn't made my mind up yet.

"You know what, I will share with Erick. I know I cant finish a whole plate myself" I look at Erick to see if he agreed or not

"Yeah I'm cool with that" he says slightly confused.

I look up to see Joel and he was already glaring at me. We made eye contact for a few seconds then I looked back down at my menu.

"Oh my gosh, I love your rings" I say playing with Ericks hands

"Thanks? But I've had them on since forever" he replies

Was I doing too much? Either way I didn't really care. Joel deserved every single thing coming at him from me.

"You and Joel have been suspiciously quiet" Laura interrupts out of the blue

I glare at her. But I realized she was legit serious because I still hadn't told her about us.

"So Joel. Did you make sure to give those girls your number? You know, since you'll be meeting them later backstage. You should have given it to them so they know where exactly to meet you" I say looking right at him.

"I didn't" he says plainly not looking at me

Dinner had finally arrived and Erick and I were sharing like we had planned. Everyone else was too busy in their conversations and so were Erick and I. I decided to give it a break and stopped messing with Joel for now.

"You look funny" Erick giggles looking at me.

I give him a questioning look when I realized I had a piece of lettuce hanging from my hair.

"Oh whoops" I laugh as he began to take it out.

As Erick and I were laughing away, I felt my phone vibrate due to a message notification.

Joey: First sharing food, then sharing a bed

Be Mine - Joel PimentelWhere stories live. Discover now