Chapter 19

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It was currently raining and slightly storming. Did I mention how much I hate thunder? Well, I hate it. I was curled up on my beanbag in my room with a book and earphones plugged in. Anything to distract me from the thunder. It had only been a week since I had been back home. It feels like a month without Joel being here. I was starting to miss him but I couldn't do anything about it because he was out there living his dream. My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of my cellphone. I look at the screen and it was a facetime call from Joel. Perfect timing.

"Hey" I pick up as a smile spread across my face. "Hey, how's my favorite girl doing" he asks fixing his earpiece. He was getting ready for a show.

"Just sitting in my room listening to some boy band called CNCO" I say jokingly.

"Nope never heard of that band. Are they any good?" Joel replies as I giggle. "They're alright"

"Do you have a favorite?" He asks.

"I'd say Erick" I reply trying to hold in my giggles. Joel just freezes on the spot with no reaction on his face.

"Joel, I'm kidding. Of course, it's you babe" 

"Oh thank god, you almost gave me a heart attack" he sighs. There was a few seconds of silence. Not the awkward kind, the nice kind. 

"Joel" I say softly


"I don't know how much longer I can do this" I say as the smile disappears from my face.

"Do what mami?"

"This whole secret relationship. It's hard. I know we've talked about it and we both agreed on it but it's just so hard" I look down on the floor not wanting Joel to see my frown.

"Hey, look at me" he softly says making my heart melt.

I look up and face Joel with the same reaction.

"If you can't do this anymore we don't have to. I can tell everyone right now if you want me to" he replies.

"No it's alright.  Maybe I just missed you and wanted to see your face and hear your voice" I reply with a slight smile.

"I missed you too princess"

Before I had a chance to reply I see Erick pop up behind Joel with a huge smile on his face.


"Erick!" I yell back in excitement.

"Dude you have a phone, call her in your own time" Joel shoves Erick to the side as a joke.

"Relax babe, maybe he just wants to say hi" I tell him.

"She's right. Hi Maya" he waves with his goofy smile. "Hi Erick" I wave back giggling.

"Ok that's it, I'm out" and with that, Erick runs off.

Joel and I spoke for a few more minutes before he was called to go on stage by my dad. Before hanging up, I blew him a kiss as he pretended to catch it. I had put my phone back down and picked up my book again. I lied when I told Joel that I was ok. I wasn't ok with hiding this relationship. I wasn't ok with Joel portraying himself as single to the public. I just wasn't ok with any of it. I only lied for now because I didn't want to ruin Joel's tour by stressing him out before a show.

I scrolled through Instagram and of course, me being the protective clingy girlfriend that I am, I decided to go through Joel's tagged photos. Most of them were just fan edits or photos with fans in public. I got bored halfway and put my phone down again. Why did I even come back? That was the worst mistake ever. I could be doing so much more instead of just sitting in my room bored.

Joel's POV

I didn't know how much longer I could do this. I missed Maya like crazy. I feel like such a jerk for not appreciating her as much as I could while she was here. I took her presence for granted and now that she's gone, I regret not convincing her to stay. The boys and I had just finished our show in Mexico and were messing around backstage. Me on the other hand, I was sitting down on the couch with the phone in my hand looking through Maya and I's photos together. Along with random off-guard photos that I took of her without her knowing. 

"Boys get ready, we're doing an Instagram live soon" Richard says.

Right. The live; I forgot we were supposed to do that today. I quickly opened Instagram and posted a story. Telling all the fans to check out our live in ten minutes. I was about to tell Maya too but she would be asleep by now because of the time zones. Time had passed by and it was time to start our live. 

"Is it even on?" Erick asks looking at the camera.

"Erick you're going to drop the phone. Hand it over" Zabdiel adds as he takes the phone off Erick and places it on the table so all of us would come in the frame. 

"Are we all really trying to fit five dudes onto a phone screen?" Richard asks.

"Well it was your idea" I laugh.

We were starting to get views and the number kept increasing. The whole live was just us messing around, talking about tour and answering fan questions. It lasted for about twenty minutes until we all ended it.

As days went by, CNCO's tour had ended and we were all heading back home to spend time with our families. My family lived in California therefore, I would be going straight there. I invited Maya along just as a friend. At least just in front of everyone else's eyes. Surprisingly, her father was okay with it just as long as I would bring her back safely. Now I feel even more guilty; Renato was trusting me with Maya and I'm repaying him by secretly dating his daughter. The truth had to come out sooner or later.

"Joel, I'm nervous. I feel like I'm just coming in between you and your family bonding time" Maya says nervously as we were heading to my front door with our bags.

"You need to relax. I know my family and trust me, they will love you" I reply knocking on the door.

"Joel! Oh my god my baby" my mum had opened up embracing me in a hug.

A/N: Ok, I don't even know if that's how his mum greets him.

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