Chapter 18

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It was almost time for me to leave and I was doing some last-minute checks in my purse.

"Call me as soon as you get to the airport, Keep extra cash in your wallet. Do you need any more?" My dad has been saying the same thing over and over again.

"Dad relax, I will be fine. I'm only flying to another state. How hard can it be?" I chuckle as my dad seemed stressed for me. 

I was about to walk down to the lobby when I hear Laura call my name. She said I had left something on my bed. I was certain I had grabbed everything but went back in to check anyway. It was a small bag. You know, the ones you get back from jewelry stores. I walked over and looked inside. There was a small square box with a bow tie, along with a small card. I first reached for the card and opened it.

'Since I never got a chance to give this to you on your birthday. From Joey xx'

I smiled at the fact that he remembers my favorite nickname for him was in fact "Joey". I placed the card back in the bag and picked out the box. I was about to open it when I heard a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" I yell.

The door slowly opens when I see Joel walk in.

"Hey" he says

"Oh hey, just in time" I reply.

"I see you received my gift" he walks behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

Without saying a word, I open the box revealing a diamond necklace with his initials at the back.

"Joel its beautiful" I gasp.

"I was hoping you'd like it" he places a soft kiss on the side of my neck.

He then removes his arms from around my waist and helps me put on the necklace.

"You know Maya, it's not too late to change your mind" he says as he grabs the tip of my necklace and begins to play with it. Our face just inches apart.

"I know, but I've already made up my mind. Worldwide touring isn't really my thing. Just go live your dream" I reply.

He promised he would call me every single day and try to visit if he could. I told him not to stress over it and just a phone call from him every night would be enough. Time was running out so I started to walk out with Joel following. Everyone was waiting at the entrance and my bags had already been places inside the car.

"Well, I guess this is it" I turn around placing my hands in my pocket.

"Have a safe flight Maya, don't forget me" Chris pouts while hugging me.

"Chris, I can never forget you" I chuckle.

All the boys came in for a group hug and I had said my last goodbyes to everyone before leaving.

A few hours later, I was finally seated on the plane next to a girl who seemed about the same age as me. I took my phone out along with my earphones and plugged them into my phone. 

"Oh my god" the girl whispers.

I look over at her and her eyes were glued to my phone.

"What's wrong?" I ask looking at her then back at my phone.

"I don't mean to sound creepy but you've met CNCO?" She asks now getting exciting.

"Oh this" I chuckle as I look at my phone wallpaper; it was a photo of Joel and I with the puppy dog filter from snapchat.

"I am a huge fan. You are so lucky, I've been wanting to meet them ever since I saw them on La Banda. Especially Chris, I don't mean to play favorites but I've got the biggest crush on him" she shyly smiles looking down at her hands.

I didn't want to spill out too much information. Who knows what this girl is capable of. But I'm assuming she's just a regular fan like I was.

"How about we exchange numbers and next time I go see them, you can come along" I ask smiling.

"Oh my gosh, are you serious? Do you have connections or something?" Her mouth had dropped because she was even more surprised.

"Something like that" I giggle.

"Awesome. I'd love that actually. I'm Natasha by the way" she says.

"I'm Maya" I reply as we exchange numbers.

We continued to talk and the plane had already taken off. We took a selfie on snapchat and I sent it to the boys captioning it 'Met a CNCOwner'. Although she didn't know who I was sending it to or else I would have a passed out fan next to me. I was glad to find out that we would be landing soon. I'm not going to lie; I do miss Joel. I was starting to regret my decision but I knew deep down inside that this was what I really wanted.

"It was nice meeting you Maya. Hopefully we can stay in touch" Natasha says as we grab our bags from the bag collection area after we had landed.

"Yeah you too" I smile grabbing my bag and leaving. 

I was on my tiptoes looking over people's heads trying to search for my mum in the crowd of people. I finally see her and run over to her. I finally run through the crowd and embrace her in a tight hug.

"I missed you so much mum" I whisper.

"I missed you too honey" she whispers back.

I pull away and smile at her.  We made our way back to the car as she helped me carry some of my bags. The whole ride home I was telling my mum stories about my trip. I hadn't told her about Joel or the late night clubbing incident. I was continuing with my story until I received a message from Joel.

Joey: I hope you landed safely. Please call me as soon as you get home xx

I had replied to him telling him I was almost home within fifteen minutes. Joel and I were still dating and had a long talk about our relationship before we left. It was going to be hard but if we wanted this to last, we both had to be honest with each other. I had finally reached home and went straight up to my room and dialed Joel's number. He picked up within the first ring.

"That was quick. Wait were you waiting for my call?" I ask.

"Uh...maybe" he replies nervously.

"Aw cutie" I giggle.

"Who are you talking to?" I heard in the background. It sounded like Erick.

"None of your business" he replies jokingly.

"If it's Maya, I want to talk to her" Yup it was definitely Erick. That Cuban accent was recognizable anywhere.

"Not going to happen" he replied to Erick.

I wasn't sure if the call was getting cut because I heard some strange sounds over the phone. Sounded like Erick was trying to snatch the phone off Joel.

"Maya, I know you're not here anymore but doesn't mean you remember Joel but forget about me" Erick says over the phone to me.

"Erick nonsense, who said I forgot about you" 

"I'm still mad at you for leaving me" he fake cries.

Before I got a chance to reply, Joel interrupts in the background.

"Ok pretty boy, you had your turn. Now hand it over"

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