Chapter 26

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I had opened my mouth for words to come out but I couldn't quiet bring myself to say anything. I was left speechless due to Erick's current aggressive behavior towards me. He has never been this way to me and it frightens me to see this side of Erick.

"I finally get the courage to tell you how I feel and what happens; Maya's little boyfriend comes to the rescue once again saving the day" he continues in his destructive tone.

"Erick, I didn't know I'm so-"

"Exactly Maya you don't know! Because ever since you and Joel became an item all you've been doing is using me as a doormat! Every single problem you have with Joel I'm the one who comes to comfort you. Then what? After he tells you he loves you, you suddenly forgive him and push me away into the trash again?"

At this point, there was nothing I could do to escape from this situation. He saw how weak and speechless I became that he just scoffed in my face and shook his head in disappointment.

"Typical" was all he said under his breath before punching the door in frustration once again. I saw his facial expression change into pain as the door had hurt his hands but he was trying to hide every emotion in his body.

He looked down over his shoulder and moved to the side for me to get out of the room. Which was exactly what I did without thinking it over.

"I'm sorry" was all I could get out of my mouth in a soft wincing tone before tears started to stream down my face.

I quickly unlocked the door and ran out to any direction. I didn't know where I was going; all I was doing was running down the hallway as my vision became blurry due to the tears. The only reason I didn't run back to Joel was because I didn't want him or anyone else to see me in this state. The hallway came to a dead end and I slid down the wall with my back against it and my hands covering my face to stop the tears. My crying was now turning into loud sobs. I felt so terrible about myself after what Erick had just said. He's right; I'm weak and defenseless. I used him for Joel and now I've completely ruined our friendship. I can never be in the same room as Joel and Erick without Erick's abusive scene flashback.

"Maya? What are you doing here?" I hear a familiar voice.

I looked up with red puffy eyes and see Christopher running towards me from the other end of the hallway. I continued to look up at him while trying to hold back my sobs.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" He asks worryingly.

"I... am a terrible person" I managed to say after I was done crying.

"Don't say that, you're an amazing person"

"You see that's where you're wrong. I have everything good in my life and I managed to screw that up" I say throwing my hands up. "You know what; it doesn't matter, let's go" I stand up and fix myself up.

Chris and I walked out to where everyone else was. Including Erick who continued to give me the silent treatment.

"Hey what took you so long" Joel says wrapping an arm around me.

"Got lost" I lied with a fake smile.

"So I was thinking; what do you say I take you out tonight? Just me and you" he suggests as we begin to walk towards the car with everyone else following.

"I'd say I would have to think about it" I smirk as I grab onto his hand that was still around my shoulder.

"And why is that Miss Maya?"

"I have a pretty busy schedule today but I guess I can make time for you" I giggle.

"How noble of you" he replies. "Pick you up at 8 then?"

I nod as my reply. He then smiles and kisses my cheek. This is what I love about Joel; even if I'm crying and at my worst state, just being around him makes me happy and forget about all my worries. We had reached home in no time. First my dad had gotten out of the car then I followed.

*7:00 pm*

I was just sitting around on the couch watching T.V but nothing interesting was on so I decided I should probably start getting ready for my date with Joel. I opened up my closet with both my hands and just stood there puckering up my lips as I was skimming through the closet left to right; trying to pick one out.

"Hmm, haven't seen you in a while" I say as I pick out a simple yet stylish plain black dress.

Joel hadn't told me exactly where we were going so I thought this was appropriate for any occasion

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Joel hadn't told me exactly where we were going so I thought this was appropriate for any occasion. I quickly threw it on me and fixed the ends of the dress by straightening them out. I then moved onto curling the ends of my hair. I don't usually curl my hair because when I do; I carelessly end up burning my hand. This time though, I survived. After applying on some make up, I was fixing up my hair in front of the mirror. The doorbell rang downstairs. That must be him. Although it was only 7:47 when I had checked my phone for the time. Grabbing my matching purse, I threw in an emergency lip gloss and lipstick. It's been a habit of mine to carry around a spare lip product and therefore, was really edgy about it. I sprayed some perfume then headed downstairs where I see a handsome Joel Pimentel sitting on the couch in the lounge.

"Hey" I say as I walk towards him.

"Maya hey, you" his head shots up as he stands up.

I just giggle and thank him. He walks me out as I yell out through the whole house telling my mum that I was leaving. As soon as Joel and I had gotten into the car, he drove off. The destination was a bit of a drive but that gave us time to catch up. He parked into the parking lot of a bowling alley.

"Since you've never been, I thought this might be a bit of a surprise" he says opening the door of my side.

We walked inside hand in hand and I looked around in awe. I was a little bit excited yet nervous at the same time. Joel had paid for the shoes that we needed to wear while I had paid for the food. After grabbing everything; he leads to me one of the alleys. Right there in front of my own two eyes I see Erick and an unfamiliar girl. Joel was approaching Erick and greeted him.

"Maya, such a surprise to see you here" Erick pretends to be shocked.

"Oh really? Because there are fifty bowling alleys around town and you just happen to come to the one that's far from your own house. Coincidently on this night too?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Joel I thought you said it would only be you and I" I look at Joel.

"I'm sorry Maya he wanted to join us as a double date"

"Unless you're afraid of a little competition" Erick interrupts carrying a ball and looking at his date who was a girl with perfect features. Straight long brown hair, perfectly shaped eyebrows, a perfectly symmetrical face and the perfect body shape. 

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