Chapter 36

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At the moment, Joel had left us all eagerly waiting for his answer. It was like time had completely stopped. 

"I was plead innocent and I won't be facing jail time"

We had all let out a sigh of relief as the boys began to take Joel into a group hug. However, he still didn't seem relieved about it. That sorrow expression on his face was still there and wouldn't disappear. I knew exactly what this meant; he wasn't pleased even though he was free. He still felt guilty and I don't blame him, anyone would feel guilty after killing someone by accident. We all decided to go back to our homes since everything was settled and figured out. 

"Thanks for the ride guys" I say as I stepped out of the car and made my way back to my front door.

Tomorrow I was starting school and I would be a senior. It would be my final year of school then I would be done with high school life. You could call this day just like any other boring Sunday; the one where you do absolutely nothing all day because that's just human nature.

My doctor had advised me to do a few leg exercises so my foot can become used to the constant movement. That is when I decided to go out for a run. It was only evening; therefore, not too dark yet and not daytime either. I changed into my regular workout outfit by throwing on some black tights and a neon yellow shirt. I wasn't confident enough to wear sports bras out in public so I preferred this simple outfit. 

Grabbing my headphones and phone, I headed out the door, letting my parents know that I would be out on my run

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Grabbing my headphones and phone, I headed out the door, letting my parents know that I would be out on my run. Personally, I didn't have a specific route in which I ran. I sort of just explored here and there. Today though, I decided to run towards the café direction. My hair tied in a ponytail swishing left to right as I ran, earphones plugged into my ears and music set to 'shuffle'.

A drop of sweat was beginning to escape from my forehead travelling down to my nose. I quickly ran the back of my hand down my nose to get rid of the sweat. I begin to feel slight abdomen pain so I slowed down my steps and walk as I breathed out heavily. People walking past me into different directions as I walked into the street of the café.

That is when I resumed running until I see a familiar figure from a far distance and I stopped in my tracks and my eyes darted at that person.

"Joel?" I say to myself.

He was sitting down on his feet as his left elbow rested on his knees. He was looking down as if he was upset about something. Joel was right in front of a pole that was filled with flowers and cards stuck to it.

The same place where Natasha had passed away; people must have come and placed the flowers there in her memory. As I got closer, I heard soft muffles and completely pulled out my earphones while pausing my music. I couldn't completely see his face as he was looking down, however, from my estimated guess, he seemed upset, almost as if he was crying.

"Joel, it's ok" 

His head shoots up as he looks at me with red puffy eyes and a few tears running down his face. He then stood up and continued looking down at the flowers and cards.

"That's what people keep telling me. Why don't I feel ok then Maya? Because I don't deserve to move on like everyone else did" he muffled.

"Hey come here" I pull him into a hug as his grip became tighter.

This was the hug that he and I were both longing; for different reasons of course. 

"I can't forgive myself Maya, I just can't and I never will" he began to slightly sob again.

I know that nothing I say will fix any of it. I was completely clueless and speechless about what to say in this situation. I knew now wasn't the right time for our relationship to ruin what was going on; he needed me and I needed him. We both had to pick each other up and help each other out through this.

"Why don't you come over my house tomorrow after school? We can watch a movie to get your mind off things. It would also give us time to talk about a few stuff. How does that sound?" I ask.

"That would be nice" he slightly smiles.

Without saying a word, I leaned up to him, kissed his cheek and continued my run. 

*7:00 am*

I sleepily tried to move my fingers around my phone screen as my alarm kept buzzing away. Hitting the snooze option, I sit and up get out of bed. My arms stretched into the air as a long yawn left my lips.

My ironed school uniform was laid out onto my chair and I freshened up before getting dressed. I checked my phone with excitement, hoping to see a message from Joel; but sadly, nothing, and that is when my smile faded away. Finishing up my breakfast, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door waiting for my bus.

"Another year of hell" I whispered under my breath as I entered my school gates and see everyone's fresh faces after the summer holiday. 

"Maya Francis you have a lot of explaining to do" I hear a voice.

I turn around and see an excited Ignrid running towards me.

"Oh my gosh, hey girl how have you been!" I squeal as we tackle each other into a hug.

"I've been great my dear, or should I say future Mrs. Joel Pimentel" she winks and nudges me. "And don't leave out a single detail I want to know everything from scratch" she continues as she links her right arm with mine.

The whole day was spent on both of us catching up on our summer. It sucked because Ingrid and I weren't placed in the same classes like we were last year but that didn't matter, I still had a chance to see her during breaks. It was last period until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

From Joey: 

'Where are you?'

I smiled and typed away.

'Still in school, why?'

'When do you finish'

'Ok are you going to spend all day asking questions'

'Haha no Maya what I meant was, I'm already waiting outside your school. I decided to come pick you up xx'

A/N: Ok my angels I have a quick question. How would you feel about some mature/sexual content in the future chapters? I don't wanna write anything too inappropriate for those 12 year olds that may be reading this lol. Which is why I needed a quick input.

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