Chapter 12

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Joel and the boys were nowhere to be found in the pool of girls. I gave up and just sat quietly to the side by myself. Looking down at the concrete floor and playing with my bracelet made me think about my future with Joel. Is this how it's going to be for the rest of his life every time he goes out?

"I'm surprised you're not there" my thoughts were interrupted

"Too many girls there" I reply still looking down

I finally look up to see a boy about my age with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He sat next to me comfortably.

"Who are they anyway?" Is he serious?

"Not sure. Apparently, some famous boy band" I lied

"Ah boy band, now that makes sense" he chuckles

"I'm Maya by the way" I smile at him

"I'm Aaron" he shakes my hand.

At this point, the police had been called and were there trying to separate the boys from the screaming girls. Aaron and I kept talking when one of the police officers had asked me to come with him. I was confused and scared at first then followed him towards the boys. I didn't even get to say goodbye to Aaron. I didn't care at this point, I just wanted to see Joel and be safe in his arms. 

"Maya!" I look up to see the boys near the main entrance.

I just ran straight to Joel and threw myself right into his arms. Tears started to slowly form in my eyes and I felt that stingy feeling.

"Hey, its ok you're safe now. I told the police officer to find you" he softly says

"I'm sorry I just thought I'd lost everyone"

By now all the boys had noticed I was sobbing and came towards me to comfort me. We had called our driver to come pick us up. The police had stayed with us until our car had arrived just for safety. We quickly got in and drove off. 

"Maya we are so sorry for not looking out for you, we had no idea where those girls came from" Richard says feeling guilty.

"Yeah Maya he's right, we would have kept you close to us if we knew this was going to happen" Chris adds.

"Guys, its ok. We are all safe and we all had a good time. That's all that matters right?" I reply with a fake smile wiping the dried tears away.

The rest of the car ride was silent. As soon as we reached our hotel, we jumped out and headed upstairs. The boys news was already on TV in the lobby. 

"Oh boy, we are so dead" Ericks eyes widen

"Guys relax, I can explain to my dad"

"Oh please explain how you put yourselves and my daughter in danger like that" we hear a voice from behind.

"Dad it's not their fault" I say in defense.

"Go back to the room Maya. NOW" he doesn't let me finish

I just look back at the boys with sadness in my eyes. I couldn't do or say anything because my dad can embarrass me in public if I ever disobey him. All the boys heads were down in shame. I prayed that my dad would be understanding of the boys and I. I just run upstairs and into my room.

"Woah Maya are you alright? I saw what happened on T.V" Laura worryingly asks standing up from her bed. It was all over the news by now I guess. Someone had recorded us.

"I'm alive aren't I? Gosh, its not a big deal"

"What's wrong?" She asks taking a step towards me.

I explained everything to them and how my dad would probably never let me go out with them anymore. I was really tired from today and just wanted to take a nap. 


I hadn't realized I was asleep for this whole time. I woke up feeling a little drowsy. I stood up to see Laura was already asleep. Walking over to the bathroom, I noticed a sticky note on the closet door from Joel

"Look inside (:" 

I looked inside the closet and saw a beautiful short floral dress with another note stuck to it

"Put this on and meet me downstairs at 12 xx"

I realized I only had 13 minutes to get ready. I quickly put it on, fixed up my hair and checked my phone to see a message from Joel

Joey: Hope you saw my message hermosa

I replied telling him I had and that I was on my way down. I walked downstairs to see Joel standing there with a bouquet in his hands fixing up his hair in the lobby mirror. He finally sees me and smiles. I couldn't help but smile widely.

"Wow Maya, you look beautiful" he says taking a look at me from head to toe

"Thanks babe you do too" I giggle kissing his cheek

"These are for you" he nervously hands me the pink roses. My favorite. Wow he really did stalk me.

I thank him and told him they smelt beautiful. He then took my hand in his and led me out the hotel. I asked him where we were going but he told me it was a surprise. He was leading me to the beach where I saw a picnic basket along with a picnic blanket spread out. There were candles lit and it was the most amazing view ever. 

"Joel you did this?" I ask in awe

"I figured since this would be our first official date, I wanted to make it special" he replies as we continue walking. 

We finally sat down and began to eat because to be honest, I was starving. I set the flowers aside and started taking out the food from the basket. The date was going really well. We fed each other chocolate covered strawberries. We basically did every single cliché movie scene that they do on dates. I couldn't care less because I was happy just being with him alone for once. He moved everything aside and laid down on his back.

"Come mami" he pats the spot next to him

Without saying a word I make my way to him and lay down next to him with my right hand resting on his chest and my body laying on its left side. He wrapped his arms around me and we just stared at the stars admiring each and every one of them.

"Maya" he says breaking the silence


"Promise me you will always be by my side" I sat back up and looked at him in confusion 

"Joel don't say that. Of course I will always be here no matter what. You make me the happiest girl in the world. As long as we got each other Joel nothing can break us" I say grabbing his hand

"This is why you mean so much to me already. I just wish everyone knew that you're mine so they can back off" 

I lean down to connect my lips with his and he kisses back. It was a nice slow passionate kiss that was full of meaning. His soft plump lips gave me butterflies every single time. I can say with a hundred percent honesty that this has been the best first date ever.

A/N: The last part was super cheesy but oh wells. That's Joel for ya. Our little romantic potato.

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