Chapter 21

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"Joel wake up" I whisper as I held onto his shoulders and shook him.

It was now 12:14am. We had slept the whole afternoon and evening away. We had missed dinner and I was starving. I'm a light sleeper so therefore, any small noise wakes me up and I can't sleep for long periods of time. Joel on the other hand, was the complete opposite. 

"Joel!" I whisper yell again shaking his shoulder.

"Hmm" he muffles fluttering his eyes open.

"Look at the time" I say.

He checks his time on his phone and his eyes now widen.

"Oh crap, how long have we been asleep" he asks in his sleepy voice. His sleepy voice was the hottest thing ever.

"Pretty much all day" I say getting up.

"Did we miss dinner?" He asks.

"Wow, you really are my boyfriend" I giggle.

Joel and I decided to sneak out to grab some food from outside, and by outside I meant out in the city. I threw on a t-shirt and black shorts. When both of us were ready, he grabbed the car keys and we tiptoed out.

"Oh my god Joel we're going to be here all night!" I whisper yell as I shove him forward because he was going extremely slow

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"Oh my god Joel we're going to be here all night!" I whisper yell as I shove him forward because he was going extremely slow.

"Be quiet! They might wake up" he whispers back.

I groan and shove past him running down the stairs. I opened the door and headed out.

"See?" I turn around to see Joel finally out of the house.

Joel sat in the car seat and started to drive. It didn't take long until we reached the city center. It was almost 1am and there were still some shops opened. We stopped the car next to a hotdog stand. I ordered mine with extra mustard and tomato sauce. We stood by the hotdog stand and just ate there. 

"You got a little something" Joel giggles pointing at my face.

Before I got a chance to see what it was; Joel took out his napkin and wiped it across my lips. I blushed and smiled shyly. Even the smallest things he does gets my heart beating every now and then. Casual nights like this made me appreciate having Joel in my life. Haters may see him as a typical boyband jerk but I see him as just Joel Pimentel. The kind-hearted boy who just lives a normal life like everyone else.

"Dessert time?" I ask.

"You got it" he replies as we head off down the city to find a nice dessert shop.

We finally found a decent ice cream shop that sold all sorts of smoothies, milkshakes and a lot more. I told him to take a seat while I ordered.

"Here take my card" he was handing me his credit card for me to pay.

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