Chapter 24

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"I couldn't sleep" he replies looking up at me.

"Why not?" I ask sitting next to him.

"Missing home I guess" he half smiles while still looking at me. "You should get back in there it's getting quite late" he continues.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I just need some time that's all"

"Erick please tell me the truth. I know you're not missing home. You've been there for me through Joel and through all my problems. Now it's my turn. What's the real reason?" I ask

"You won't get it so don't worry about it" he looks down.

"Try me"

"Well, there's this girl and I sort of have feelings for her but she's already taken. There's just something about her that attracts me. She's cute, she's smart and she puts a smile on my face whenever I'm around her" he finishes.

"Wow sounds like a lucky girl. Have you told her yet?" I ask and he just shakes his head no. I'm surprised he's telling me this now. If Erick was crushing on this girl I would have known about it, my nose is all up in their business and personal life half the time so how could I not know who this girl was.

"Hmm does this girl happen to be Camila Cabello? You seem to be mentioning her a lot in interviews" I wink and nudge him teasingly.

He just laughs at my comment and shakes his head. Gosh his laugh was like music to my ears. It was the cutest thing ever. A few seconds later the smile then fades away from his face. An idea popped in my head and I stood up and put my hand out for him to reach.

"Let's go for a walk since neither of us can sleep. Just think of it as midnight exploring" I suggest.

He stares for a while then takes my hand as I help him stand up. We began to walk and talk into the woods. It was really frightening at first; but with Erick around I felt somewhat safe. I had a torch with me that I had brought when I had left the tent. We didn't need the torch as much because the moon was quite bright itself and was providing us with enough light.

"Can I ask?" He says breaking the moment of silence we had

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"Can I ask?" He says breaking the moment of silence we had.


"What do you see in Joel? I mean, I love the guy he's like my brother but I'm just curious as to what makes you want to date him".

"Well, firstly he gets me. He deals with my insecurities, my constant anxieties and knows how to comfort me. He's a sweet talented boy with a fun personality and to top it all off, we just have a lot in common. Why do you ask?" I finish up.

He just looks down on the ground as we keep walking. It was beginning to get cold as the wind brushed past my hair. I blame myself for just walking out like this. Which is why I kept my mouth shut about it. Erick on the other hand already had a jacket on.

"Uh Erick, where are we?" My attention comes back to reality as I look up at my surroundings.

He too looks up and just as lost as me. We begin to look around to see where we came from but none of us could remember. I was starting to become anxious and stressed out while slightly freaking out. There was a knot in my stomach and my breathing was starting to become heavier.

"Please don't tell me we're lost" I say while beginning to panic even more.

"I don't get it; how could we just lose our track" he says while looking around.

I put my hand over my heart and my breathing speed had increased. I was on the verge of having a panic attack. Erick had noticed and tried to calm me down by holding onto my shoulders and reassuring me that we would find our way back.

"You don't know that Erick, people actually die in the woods if they get lost. Especially at night!" I cover my mouth as tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Hey it's ok. I will try my best to get us out of here I promise Maya please don't freak out" he wipes the tears away with his thumb then pulls me into his chest for a hug.

"Oh my god Maya you're freezing. Take my jacket" he pulls away and quickly takes his jacket off while placing it around me as I snake my arms through the holes.

I thank him while he pulls me back into a hug. My head now resting against his chest and I had calmed down as I heard the beating of his heart. We stood there for at least two minutes until he realized I had finally calmed down before pulling away.

"Follow me" he says. Without saying a word, I do as he says and follow him.

He had reached a tree and leaned against it while sliding down until he was sitting on the ground. I sat next to him and made myself comfortable. Who knows how long we would be lost here. He interrupts my thoughts as he reaches in for the pockets of the jacket that I was wearing. His phone was being pulled out and he straight away dialed Chris's number first as he was on the top list of his contacts. He put him on speaker. A few rings had gone through but no answer. Joel was next. No answer. He continued on to Richard. No answer. Zabdiel was our last hope. I had crossed my fingers hoping at least he would pick up. I had left my phone back at the tent so I felt completely useless. However, he hadn't picked up either.

"Try Joel again" I say.

He dialed Joel's number and he finally picked up.

"Hello?" He says into the phone with a sleepy voice.

"Joel it's me Maya and Erick. Please help us we're lo-" the phone was cut off. No service.

"Are you serious" Erick grunts as he looks at his phone in annoyance.

I told him to try again. This time Joel had picked up again but he seemed a bit more alert than before.

"Where are you guys? Don't worry I'm on my way just st-" again his voice was cut off.

"No no no this cannot be happening" I start to get worried again.

"Hey it's ok. At least he knows that we're lost. They should all be on their way soon. All we can do is just wait. No point in going out there and trying to find our way back. We will just become more lost" he says.

"I'm sorry. This is all my fault; I shouldn't have brought us out here in the first place" I say with a hint of guilt in my throat.

"Don't be sorry. I was actually enjoying myself just being here with you" he takes my hand to comfort me.

I rest my head on his shoulder as we both look out into the forest. There was at least fifteen minutes of silence. The only sound we heard was crickets chirping and the gust of wind every now and then. It was all just complete silence otherwise.

"So, remember how I told you about that girl I liked?" He says breaking the silence. "I think I'm ready to tell her how I feel since this might be my only chance".

"Go for it" I smile while handing him his phone. He turns around to face me while taking it and placing it back in the pockets of the jacket. I give him a confused look.

"Maya I-" he starts but was cut off.

"Erick! Maya! Are you guys ok?" I suddenly look up to see Joel and the boys.

"Joel!" A shock of relief travels through my body as I stand up and run into Joel's arms while he stood there with his arms open. He lifted me up and spun me around as he dug his face into my neck.

"Thank god you're ok. Please don't ever run off like that again" he muffles into my neck.

He places me down as I hug him again. But this time for much longer. Zabdiel, Richard and Erick were making their way towards us. We were finally found by the boys but I don't know why Erick doesn't seem too happy about that.  

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