Chapter 13

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Joel's POV

Today we had an interview at the radio station. I was fixing up my hair in the bathroom mirror when I heard my phone ringing. 

"I got it!" Erick yells from outside

To be honest, I didn't care that he answered my phone. He was like my brother and I had nothing to hide from him. Except my relationship with Maya. I finally finished up my final touches and headed out the door with Erick following.

"Who was it?" I ask grabbing my phone from him. The phone conversation was already over.

"Maya" he plainly says

I didn't bother asking more questions. Because I know if I start with questions then so will he. I definitely didn't want to risk blurting something out that I would regret.  

"Everybody here?" Renato asks 

We looked around at each other to see if everyone was here and they were. Including Maya. I had asked her to come along because I really wanted her there with me. Everything was just a lot easier with her around. I'm not much of a talkative person when it comes to interviews and with her by my side I felt a lot more confident. We walked outside and noticed our usual car wasn't there. 

"Where's the other car?" I ask

"At the mechanics to have some repairs done" Renato replies

"But there's one less seat" Maya adds as she opens the door to go inside.

"I should probably stay here then. You boys need to be at this interview not me" she continues.

I look at her as my eyes widen. She then mouths the words 'I'm sorry' to me.

"She can sit on my lap" I blurt out as everyone quickly turns around

"Just a suggestion" I shrug my shoulders. Shit. Why did I say that?

"Since she's here. Might as well" Renato agrees with me

We all boarded the car. I was the last one in near the window as Maya followed and sat on my lap.

"Isn't this illegal?" She asks

The windows were mostly tinted therefore, people couldn't see from outside unless they came extremely close. I told her there wasn't anything to worry about. She makes herself comfortable and I place my left hand on her hip. We finally drove off and I was right, no one outside seemed to notice.

"Maya quit moving" I whisper yell as she keeps moving her hips trying to get more comfortable.

"Well I'm sorry but I'm just trying to get comfortable" she replies.

"Please stop" I beg

"Why?" She questions.

I didn't want to tell her why. It was too embarrassing. I was starting to get hard and I know I can't show up to an interview with a boner.

"Oh my gosh" she gasps. She noticed

She tried to hold in her giggles while I was in the most uncomfortable state. My heart racing at a million beats per second. The interview venue had finally arrived and Maya jumped out the car and stood to the side. Everyone else had gotten out too and we began walking to the entrance. I pulled her arm towards me so she would stay close in front of me. Her giggles were now turning into laughter.

"Quit it Maya this is all your fault" I whisper yell again.

"I'm sorry babe but it was your idea" she replies. 

The whole time I kept my hands in front of my area until we had sat down and placed the headphones over our heads. Maya and Renato were in the room just outside where the radio interview was happening. It was all glass so they could still see and hear us. There was a guy and a girl who were taking our interview and we began by introducing ourselves as CNCO. The interview was going well until one of the interviewers had asked us about relationships. The rest of the boys just shook their heads saying they were single. 

"Yeah, we're all single. We just want to focus on our music for now. But who knows maybe in the future" I answer their question.

I look over at Maya who looked pretty hurt and when we made eye contact, she moved her gaze to the ground. I feel just as guilty for lying. I didn't want to lie anymore, I wanted to tell the whole world about Maya. I also look down in shame. I no longer wanted to be in this interview anymore. All I wanted to do was be with my Maya. The questions continued but I sort of zoned out as the rest of the boys were answering. 

"You seem to be quiet down there Joel" my thoughts were interrupted by the female interviewer.

I quickly shot my head up and tried to act as if I was paying attention before. 

"You say you're single but how do you explain this picture?" She lifts up a photo of Maya and I hugging just outside the carnival entrance.

The rest of the boys seemed just as surprised and everyone's eyes was on me now waiting for an answer. 

"She's just a friend who went to the carnival with us. She was just upset about something and wanted some comforting. Right boys?" I turn to face everyone else.

I don't know what I'm more afraid of; the boys finding out, even the fans or how much trouble I will be in with Renato. I look back up at Maya and she was looking right at me with pure sadness in her eyes. If only I could take away that sadness and make her beautiful brown eyes sparkle again. After what seemed like forever, the interview had finally ended and we all thanked the interviewers for having us before heading out to Renato and Maya.

"Bro what happened in there?" Richard asks me

"Nothing. I was just stating the truth that's all"

"You just froze up when they asked about our relationships" Chris adds.

"Can we just go?" I say starting to get angry but still managing to stay calm.

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