Chapter 41

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"Want to come down to the studio with me today for our recording?" Joel asks.

I was currently at his house sitting at the kitchen bench while Joel was moving around making himself some breakfast. I made an excuse to stay home because honestly, I wasn't in the mood to go out or interact with anyone today. It was only the weekend and Joel had invited me over to hang out for a bit before he continues with his busy day ahead.

"You seem quiet today, have you eaten anything?" He asks.

"Yeah I ate at home. I'm full"


Usually Joel is the one to make me happy and cheerful but today seemed different. I was happy to be around him and seeing him smile made me smile but not like every other day. It's not his fault, it's probably just my hormones acting up.

"So, what do you have planned for today?" He asks taking a seat next to me with his food.

"Nothing really, just study for a bit then have the whole day to myself" I blandly say forcing a smile on my face at the end.

His brothers were still at home while his mum had gone out. Gabe watching T.V, Israel up in his room and I had no idea where Emmanuel was. Joel and I hung out in his room for a bit, not realizing time had gone by fast.

He realized he was getting late then began to get ready right in front of me, without any warning. I leaned back on the headboard with my arms behind my head, enjoying my view as Joel took off his shirt revealing his toned abs. He saw me checking him out from the mirror and a smirk spread on his face.

"Enjoying yourself?" He chuckles putting his arms through his shirt.

Of all things I hate in my life right now, I was thankful for one thing. For having this beautiful boy named Joel Pimentel in my life to call mine everyday. He had one of his many bandanas in his hands in which he was about to wrap around himself.

"Can I?" I stand up and run over to him grabbing it off his hands.

I take the black printed cloth and stand on my tiptoes while wrapping the bandana around him; my face just millimeters away from his as I was too focused on getting the position right. He smiles and places a quick peck on my lips and it took me by surprise.

"Joel!" I giggled while repositioning the bandana because he made me lose focus. "Perfect" I tie the knot and go back down flat on my feet as I examine his perfectly curled hair.

"Thank you Miss Maya" he kisses my cheek one last time before placing on a leather jacket.

Joel had first dropped me off home then he would be heading off to the studio.

"Thanks for the ride Joelito" I giggle before he leaned in to give me a kiss.

The kiss was passionate at first but it turned heated in a matter of seconds. Before I could pull away, Joel had placed his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of him so I was now straddling his lap without breaking our lips apart. My fingers ran through his luscious locks and a moan escaped his lips.

"That drives me insane" he mumbles while smiling into the kiss.

I felt his hands lead down to my pants and he was about to pull them down before I stopped him and pulled away.

"Maybe later" I bit my bottom lip. "You have somewhere to be and so do I"

"I'm right where I want to be" he looks at me smirking.

"Oh Joel, you do flatter a girl. But I am serious, I have a lot of homework to catch up on whereas you need to go ahead and live your dream" I open the door and jump off him.

One last goodbye kiss and he drives away. I then walk into my house and go straight to my room. Pulling out my books, laptop and earphones, I jump onto the bed getting comfortable. I began on my biology homework first. Reading the few pages marked, I made a few notes and then pulled my laptop to search up something for my homework when there I see, the Facebook logo saved on my homepage. At first I was contemplating if I should log in or not.

"I guess a quick check won't hurt" I say to myself.

I logged in with my details and it takes me straight to my profile. Happily scrolling through my feed and accepting friend requests from a lot of teenage girls; most of them being CNCO fans. As I continued to scroll through my timeline, I see something that put me in utter shock and disgust.

It was a public post from Alison; she had shared a photo of Joel and I hugging in public from a fanpage that had posted it. Along with sharing it with everyone on her Facebook list, she wrote a comment about it.

'It's kinda embarrassing to know this disgusting slut goes to our school 😷'

My heart dropped and a tear fell from my left eye, onto my keyboard. I quickly logged off, set my laptop to the side and packed up my homework. After my bed was clear, I lay down on my left side so my back was facing the door. Thinking about it made my sobs even worse.

At this point, the whole left side of my pillow was almost soaking because of my salty tears that it was absorbing. On top of that, my stomach was beginning to rumble because I hadn't eaten anything since I had woken up this morning.

Joel's POV

We were done with our recording session so I decided I would give Maya a quick surprise visit before continuing on with my busy day. Call me whipped but what sort of boyfriend would I be if I didn't surprise my girl every now and then. Girls love that stuff. Jumping into my car and driving to Maya's house, I knocked on her front door but no one had answered. I knocked once more. Still no answer. I decided to twist the knob and it was unlocked.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I step in and looked around.

Still no answer to my surprise. I make my way to Maya's room and it was also unlocked. Loud sobs filling the room, I quickly opened it and see Maya laying on her bed with her back facing me. Her body moving due to her crying.

"Maya are you okay?"

"Please go away Joel" she said in between sobs not bothering to turn around.

Without saying another word, I slowly stepped out of her room closing the door behind me and pulling out my phone. I didn't know what to do; Maya was crying, she doesn't want to see me and I'm beginning to get worried. She was fine this morning.

I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through my contacts. The only person right for this situation was Ingrid; Maya's best friend. I had met her once when I had picked Maya up from school. She seemed like the only right choice. I would have called her mum but she hadn't picked up my call. Pressing the phone logo, I wait for Ingrid to pick up.

"Hello?" I hear her voice.

"Hey it's me Joel. I think Maya needs you"

"Yeah, no problem I'll be right there"

She hung up and I continued to wait outside Maya's door. Her sobbing had now quieted down but that didn't worry me any less. After ten minutes, I hear the front door open and footsteps coming up the stairs. It was Ingrid, I walked over to her and we both stopped when we were standing centimeters away from each other.

"Thanks" she says with a plain expression.

I moved aside so she could enter Maya's room.

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