Chapter 43

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Two months had gone by and nothing had changed. I was still seeing my therapist and so was Joel; both for different reasons. The only thing that had changed was that I was now on some prescribed medication. Also known as anti-depressant pills.

I take the small plastic box with me to school in case if I ever forget to consume them during the day. Currently, Ingrid was sitting sideways on my desk as I was sitting on my chair. My pills were out in the open on my desk next to her as I was planning on taking them now while searching for my water bottle in my bag. 

"Well if it isn't your psycho pills" Alison walks by my table knocking them over with her hand making the tiny pills spill all over the floor. "Whoops, didn't see it there" she says in her most fakest tone ever. 

"I dare you to do that again" Ingrid jumps off the table while her hand takes a swing at Alison's face.

I on the other hand, quickly bend down and pick up the pills in fear of anyone else seeing them. Placing them in the tiny bottle I then hear Alison and Ingrid going at each other violently. I stood up and sat back down not knowing what to do.

"That's enough!" The teacher had walked in placing her books on her desk. "Ingird, Alison, to the principal's office now! You can sort it out there"

The girls made their way out the room while the teacher began the lesson. I feel terrible inside that my own best friend has to suffer the consequences for standing up for me. It was only lunch and I finally got the chance to catch up with Ingrid again. 

"I am so sorry about this morning" I say as Ingrid and I were sitting together.

"Babes don't worry about it seriously. I can take her and plus, I wasn't in any serious trouble. We were both let off with a warning"

"I know but I can't help but feel partly guilty" I look down.

"Hey if she thinks she can mess with you, she has to go through me first"

I say nothing and just give her a hug. I am blessed to have a friend like Ingrid in my life to help me out in situations like this. The rest of the day was sort of just a blur. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings as much as I used to.

The final bell for dismissal had rung and I once again made my way towards my house. Joel had recently stopped picking me up because of how busy his schedule had gotten lately. It was either rehearsal this or studio that. I was okay with it but sometimes it would become too much. I was kicking rocks as my feet dragged across the cement footpath until I had reached my house.

"Hey mum" I greet her as I walked past her room.

"Hey sweetie. Lunch is ready on the table so quickly get changed before it gets cold"

"Yup, will do" I make my way up the stairs throwing my bag against the wall as it lands straight.

As soon as I was done with everything including lunch, I went back up to my room to start on my assignment. I was probably damaging myself emotionally by going onto all of my social medias such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. But I'm a teenage girl, I can't help myself. Just as I expected, Alison was going at it again with her continuous cyber bullying.

When does this girl not give it a break? How much free time does she have on her hands? I slammed my laptop shut in frustration and just laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. The only thing my mind lead to was Joel. I missed him, I missed his touch and I miss everything about him. I needed him. I whipped out my phone and straight away dialed his number and placed the phone next to my ear.

"Hey babe" he answers.

"Hey Joel, can you come over please?" I ask.

"Now? But I was just heading off to the studio"

"Please baby" I pout while twisting my hair. Even though Joel couldn't see any of that. 

"I miss you and we're going to have a lot of fun I promise" I whispered the last part.

"U-uhm. Sure babe I'm on my way" he hangs up.

I had to wait a while before I heard the doorbell ring. I quickly ran downstairs and flung the door open revealing Joel standing there.

"Hey-" before he had a chance to reply, I grabbed his arm and ran upstairs.

As soon as we had reached my room, I locked the door and pushed Joel onto my bed.

"Woah, you want to explain maybe?" He asks shocked not knowing what's coming for him.

"Not now" I straddle him while ripping his shirt off and connecting my lips with his. "I just missed you" I whisper in between kisses.

"I missed you too" he replies snaking his hand behind my neck deepening the kiss.

I began to grind my body on his as I felt his hard member growing.

"Prove it" 

He flipped us over so he was now hovering over me. His lips made his way down my neck onto my collarbone as he slowly began to take off my shirt. A slight moan escaped my lips as his lips travelled all over my skin.

"Shh, don't want to be heard now do we princess" he whispers.

"N-no we don't" 

A/N: Short chapter I know sorry. I had writers block so bare with me.

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