Chapter 20

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Maya's POV

Joel was still hugging his mum until I cleared my throat.

"Oh right" He pulls away and looks at me. "Mom this is Maya, the girl I was telling you about. The one who was going to be staying with us" he puts his hand on my back motioning me to go forward.

"Hi, nice to meet you" I smile as I out my hand out.

"Hello Maya, nice to meet you too. Come in" she smiles back as she moves aside for us to come in.

As soon as I entered, I see a dog running up to us. I scream and jump behind Joel. I do not like dogs at all. They scare me. Don't ask why, they just do. I'm more of a cat person.

"Relax Maya he doesn't bite" Joel chuckles.

"Yeah maybe not you"

Just then, another dog of a different breed comes running in Joel's direction. My screams were now getting louder and I gripped onto Joel's shirt tightly not letting go and keeping my distance away from both dogs.

"Joel, she feels uncomfortable, just take them out to the backyard" his mum tells him as he takes them out.

"Thank you so much. I am really sorry though, dog's kind of...scare me" I chuckle in embarrassment as I look down.

"That's alright, don't be sorry. They will be outside anyway so you don't need to worry. How about you go upstairs in Joel's room and drop your bags there. You two must be hungry so I made you something to eat" Ok she is the sweetest woman ever. Can she be my second mom?

I agreed and headed upstairs with Joel and I's bag.

"Gabriel go help Maya with the bags!" His mum yells from downstairs.

Who's Gabriel?

Just then, a boy with black hair exited one of the rooms. He looks so much like Joel. He was younger than he was though. 

"Let me help you with that" he says grabbing Joel's bag and heading towards Joel's room.

"Thanks" I smile.

He took me into Joel's room and placed everything down. I thanked him once again and he introduced himself as Gabriel. I had kind of guessed that though. I looked around the room and there were 2 separate single beds. I chose the one near the window because it's a habit of mine to always sleep near the window. I really didn't care if that was Joel's bed. A girl has her needs. Just as I was unzipping my bags, I hear the door open. I turn around and cross my arms while furrowing my eyebrows indicating that I was mad at Joel.

"What happened?" He asks making his way to me.

"Don't act so innocent now. Why didn't you tell me you had dogs? I hate dogs and you know that" I say as my voice was beginning to rise.

"Because..." He didn't finish his sentence off. His hand was now behind his neck and was looking down with guilt in his eyes. "Because if I told you about my pet dogs then you wouldn't have agreed to come and I really missed you over the tour Maya. I didn't want anything like that to stop you from spending time with me" he says. His face just inches away from mine.

"You could have at least warned me. Telling me about it would at least be better than me almost having a heart attack"

"Ok fine. By the way, I have pet dogs" he half smiles.

"You are unbelievable!" I groan and storm out of his room.

"You told me to warn you and now you're still getting mad?" I heard him follow.

I walk downstairs but before I could set foot on the ground from the last step of the stairs, I look around to see if there were any dogs in sight. The house was clear therefore, I went straight to the kitchen. It was a big house but I managed to guess my way through the house and towards the kitchen.

"Now Maya, I don't want you to be shy. Treat this like your own home. If you ever need anything feel free to ask me or Joel or just anyone around the house" his mum says as we both made our way to the lounge where the dinner table was set. 

At the moment it was just Joel and I eating because everyone else had already ate. I was still mad at him but decided to annoy him because that's what girlfriends do. He was sitting across from me and all his attention was on his food. I lifted my foot up and lightly kicked his shin with my foot. He looks up at me in confusion.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"I don't know. Maybe it was your dog" I say as I take a bite out of my salad.

"Wow Maya, really? You're still mad about that" I just playfully roll my eyes and continue eating. 

After we had finished eating, I helped clear the table and then Joel and I headed back upstairs. I checked my phone and there was missed calls from the rest of the boys. 

"Did they call you too?" Joel asks from behind me. He had also received the missed calls.

I nod my head and show him. He quickly dialed Richards number and put him on speaker. He picked up within 2 rings.

"Did you call us?" Joel asks.

"Yeah bro, I wanted to tell you that the boys and I are deciding on going on a camping trip. Renato says it's alright and he spoke to the management team too. Bring Maya along as well" Richard says over the phone.

Just then, my head shot up in excitement. 

"Awesome, when do we go" Joel asks.

"In the next 2 weeks"

How exciting; a camping trip. I love spending time out in the wild and being adventurous. I was already starting to jump up and down as soon as Richard had hung up. Joel stood up and walked over to me trying to calm me down. His arms wrapped around my waist and my arms snaking around his neck.

"I see someone's excited" he smirks.

"Oh shut up" I crash my lips onto his.

The passionate kiss had now turned into a heated makeout. Small moans escaping my lips as his lips made his way to my neck then back up to my lips. His body force was now becoming too much as I ended up falling backwards on the bed with Joel over me. We couldn't help but burst out laughing. I shoved him aside and stood up fixing myself. He rolled over onto the bed with his stomach lying flat and head resting on the pillow before taking his shirt off.

"I'm going to take a nap. Come cuddle me" he mumbles while slowly closing his eyes. Even though it was still daytime.

"Count me in" I say as I lay forward and my chest now touching his bare back. I wrapped my arms around his torso and begin to shut my eyes.

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