Chapter 45

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It was my first cheer practice and I was psyched to get started.

"Ok ladies, to start off we will be focusing on how to build a human pyramid. It is your job to stay high and balanced. Even if your team is losing" the head cheerleader instructed.

After half an hours' worth of practice, it was time to change out of our cheerleading outfit and head back to class. As per usual, school seemed to be going extremely slow. However, since Ignrid was in the same class as me for last period, it was a lot more fun.

"You know I've noticed" I say swinging a pen in my hand.

"Noticed what?" Ignrid asks continuing to write notes.

"Jason hasn't stopped staring at you all period. I see a little crush forming" I smirk at her.

"Jason? Really?" She shoots her head up and we both turn our heads to look at a shy, quiet, blonde boy with ocean blue eyes who also seemed to be staring right at us.

To make it seem less awkward I waved and smiled at him so we didn't scare him. He shyly waved back at me and continued to look down at his book.

"You're insane" Ignrid turns back to me in denial and continues with her work.

"And you're in denial" I reply and also continue jotting down words.

As soon as the bell had rung, we all began to pack our stuff into our bags. Ingrids pen had accidently fallen off her desk and that is when I see Jason rush towards her to pick it up.

"Here you dropped this" he softly says handing the pen to her.

"Aw thank you" Ingrid replies. I was about to open my mouth and say something but she had cut me off. "Don't"

"I didn't say anything"

As soon as I had reached home. I ate and decided to make my way to Joel's house. Poor guy has been so busy lately. I thought it wouldn't hurt to pay him a quick visit. I quickly threw on a brown sweater, along with my favorite white jeans. Grabbing my phone and wallet, I left the house and made my way to Joel's house through a bus ride.

"Thank you" I smiled at the driver as I stepped off the bus onto the cold concrete

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"Thank you" I smiled at the driver as I stepped off the bus onto the cold concrete.

As soon as I had reached Joel's house, I knocked on the door and heard several barking dogs and shuffling of feet.

"Oh god no" I said to myself as I dropped my head back and groaned remembering how many dogs Joel had and that I did not like them at all.

His brother Israel had opened up and he smiles at me.

"Oh hey Maya, come in"

"Israel, the dogs" I crossed my arms.

"Fine" he rolled his eyes playfully and motioned the dogs out into the backyard. "You can come in now, they're gone" he yells from the other end of the house.

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