Chapter 37

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Warning: Prepare yourselves for some cringy smut

The bell had rung, indicating that we were finally dismissed from the first day of school. I grabbed my bag and made my way to the gates, looking around for Joel's car. I finally spot it parked near a kerb as I smiled to myself and made my way towards it.

"Uber for Maya?" I ask as I opened the door.

"Nice, now I'm your uber driver huh?" He plainly answers back beginning the engine.

"I'm only messing with you" I giggled.

We made our way to my house as Joel parked on the street.

"Thanks for inviting me over Maya" he smiles and says as we enter our house.

"No need to thank me"

As soon we enter, Joel greeted my parents as I headed upstairs to quickly get changed. Placing my last item of clothing on me, I looked at myself in the mirror one last time and ran back downstairs. Joel was sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone.

"Well Maya, I'm glad Joel came over. Your dad and I are going out for a bit, I left some money in the kitchen in case you want to order any food. Keep an eye out on the house and we won't be long" my mum instructs as she grabs her purse.

I kiss my parent's goodbye as I go back to Joel and throw myself onto the couch next to him.

"So, picked a movie yet?" I ask. "Let's see what we have here" I begin to scroll through Netflix. 

After we had finally picked a movie, I went into the kitchen to make us some popcorn along with grabbing soft drinks. I placed them on the table as I ran into a room to grab a small blanket. It would be getting cold later anyway.

I pressed play as we made ourselves comfortable. Both Joel and I's eyes were glued to the T.V; I reached my hand out to grab some popcorn as I felt another hand on top of mine. Both our eyes look down at our hands and he chuckles. Joel was also grabbing some popcorn.  


"It's fine" I blush as I remove my hand. 

An hour had passed and the movie was getting boring; Joel had chosen the movie which is the only reason I agreed to watch it. I place my hand under the blanket and on top of Joel's thigh and begin to rub up and down. I could feel his head turn to me at the corner of my eyes.

"M-Maya what are you doing?" He asks.

"I was bored I guess. Unless you don't like it sorry" I quickly removed my hand back to me.

"No its ok, it feels good" he half smirks while continuing to watch the movie.

I place my hand back on his thigh under the blanket and begin to slowly move up to his member where I felt the zip of his jeans. I unzipped it and slid my hand in while beginning to slowly palm his member.

"Mmm" a moan escapes his lip as he leaned his head back closing his eyes.

God, he looked so hot right now. I was becoming aroused just by looking at him like this. I couldn't help myself so I threw myself on his lap while attacking his lips with rough kisses. He kissed back with his baby pink soft lips while grabbing my hips.

I began to grind myself on him as I felt a growing boner on my heat.

"I want you Joel" I mutter between kisses while making my way down his neck.

He grabs my thighs, wrapping them around his torso and standing up as he took us to my bedroom where I was still wrapped around him. As he walked up the stairs my lips did not leave his neck until I found his sweet spot. When we had reached my bedroom, he kicked the door open and gently placed me down on the bed so I was now laying on my back. I began to take his shirt off while palming him through his pants.

"Shit Maya" he growled while making his way down my neck.

I then undid his belt and slid his jeans off along with his boxers. He stopped kissing me and came down to my stomach while lifting up my shirt and leaving small kisses everywhere.

"You're perfect" he whispered in between every kiss.

Making his way down to my thighs, he unbuttoned my shorts and ripped them off in one swift motion along with my now soaking wet underwear.

"Damn Maya did I do this to you?" He smirks

"Can I?" He asks looking up at me. I nod my head yes

I leaned my head back as he attached his moist lips to my core. He then slid out the tip of his tongue and entered me.

"Stop being such a tease" I whine as I shut my eyes and push his head in deeper wrapping my fingers around his hair.

He then slid his whole tongue in and swirled it around as I arched my back in pleasure. A while later I felt a knot in my stomach.

"Joel I'm about to-"

"Not yet baby" he removes his face from between my thighs and comes back up taking the rest of my clothes off until I was completely nude.

I felt him staring at my bare breasts and I cover them up with my arms in embarrassment while not making any eye contact with him.

"Baby don't do that, every inch of you is beautiful" he removes my hands and places small kisses all around my chest.

I felt the bottom half of him move around and he now had his tip placed at my entrance. Without a warning, he harshly slammed in me as I let out a scream.

"I'm so sorry, we won't do this if it hurts" he stops.

"Keep going. It's fine" I managed to say.

He did a few thrusts as we begin to hear the bed move along with his movement. He brings his head down to continue placing kisses on my neck as I wrapped my hands in his black curls again.

"F-faster Joel!" I moaned as my eyes rolled back in pleasure. 

His thrusts were now becoming harder and more pleasurable as he held on to the headboard for support.

"You're so beautiful Maya" he moaned into my neck while rubbing my bare thigh with one of his hands.

"I'm about to-"

"Me too baby" he says as he does one last hard thrust. We both came and he fell back down beside me.

"Oh we aren't done yet" I switched positions as I straddled his bare body and admired his abs with my eyes full of lust.

I begin to kiss his abs down to his hard member. I had now pulled the blankets over us so now only Joel's bare chest and face was uncovered from the blanket. Crawling down to his area, I grabbed his member in my hands and slowly took it in my mouth. I gagged at the length then continue to roll my tongue around it.

"Fuck Maya" he growls as he pushes my head in deeper and grabbing onto my hair.

I began to suck on it faster as I heard Joel's moans fill the room. That had turned me on more than I already was. He came in my mouth and I licked my mouth clean. I went back up to him and stayed straddling his lap.

"That was amazing" he pants trying to catch his breath and looking at me. "I love you so much babygirl and I'm so glad my first time was with you" This was the first time Joel had said he loved me and it made my heart race.

"I love you too baby" I smile as I lean in to place a soft kiss on his baby pink lips. 

Placing our underwear and shirt back on, we continued to cuddle as I placed myself on top of him leaning my head against his chest. He played with my hair while softly humming a tune which made me fall asleep in an instant.

A/N: Yeah idk what this was. This was my first time writing this and I'm not sure if I did ok compared to others.

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