Chapter 6

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I was making my way upstairs when I hear Chris calling my name from a few meters away.

"Maya wait please" he begged while catching up to me

I turn around not saying anything and giving him a half sad look.

"Why did you go? Weren't you hungry?" He asked as we were standing in the middle of our hallway

"Not anymore" I reply lookng down

"Look I don't know what happened back there but you need to come back"

"Why?" I asked crossing my arms

"Maya don't think I havent noticed the chemistry building between you and Joel. I am not sure what he did to upset you back there but I can tell you he probably didn't mean it. All he ever does is talk about you" he explains

"Oh sure, he talks about me yet flirts with a girl right in front of my eyes?" I'm a sensitive person, therefore I tried to hold back tears

"He probably didn't mean it, why don't you go and talk it out with him. We just got back on tour and we don't want an upset Maya or an upset Joel running around" he begins to smile which made me smile too

I agreed with what he said and realised I was overreacting. I thanked him and he pulled me in for a hug. He told me I can see him as a brother and that he would always be there for me. I didn't realise how long we stood there hugging until I hear Joels voice.


Chris and I break apart and before Chris walks away, he gives me a certain look. A look that said 'Don't forget to talk to him'. He walks away and I walk over to Joel, he just stood there in shock not knowing what to say.

"What's going on?" He asks with a serious face

"Joel...can we talk?" I innocently ask looking up at him making eye contact into his beautiful brown eyes.

"First tell me what you were doing hugging Chris?" His voice was beginning to rise.

I say nothing and take his hand and move us to one corner of the hallway. I didn't want to take him into my room because Laura might still be there. I take a deep breath and begin to explain.

"I wasn't hugging Chris, not in that way at least. He was just comforting me about something I was upset about. I know I shouldn't be acting this way but I was just jealous ok? I was jealous about the way the girl was flirting with you and how you didn't seem to mind because you were probably flirting back" Joel cuts me off

"I wasn't flirting with her, I knew what she was doing but I really don't care. I don't talk to girls that way unless I plan on beginning something serious with them" he looks down and grabs my hand

"If we are being honest here, you weren't the only one jealous. I saw the way you looked at Erick when he walked out in his bathing suit, and now I see you hugging Chris. I know jealousy well. It's not a good feeling I know. Why do you think I offered to have you on my shoulders during the game? I couldn't bare the sight of seeing any of the other guys touching you" a smile formed on my lips

"So what now?" I ask

We both thought about it and we decided to give each other time. I mean, we just met a few days ago and both Joel and I thought it was appropriate to not rush into things. We also admitted our feelings for each other which gave butterflies in my stomach and made me blush like crazy. Just then, I see Joel lean in closer and closer to my face and I did too. We were both caught up in the moment and before our lips could touch I heard a door open and we both jump away from each other letting go of hands.

"Dad, hi" I say as my breath got a little heavier due to the surprise

Joel kept inching further and further away while pulling out his phone pretending to scroll through it.

"Wheres everyone else? It's getting late" my dad asks

"Oh, they were just on their way up. Joel and I got tired early and decided to come up before anyone else" I lied

"Joel tell the rest of the boys there's a group meeting in the lounge downstairs about tomorrow in ten minutes"

He did as my dad said and called the rest of the boys in. They all got changed and dressed as I decided to do the same. I walk in to see Laura on the phone talking to someone. I give her a smile and wave as she smiles back. I quickly change and brush my wet hair out while putting my phone on charge. It wasn't long until Laura and I began to head downstairs for dinner.

I was making my way down when I see Joel look up at me. The boys were sitting on the sofa as my dad was explaining something to them. He looked at me and gave me his gorgeous smile that I fell for. I blushed and smiled back. 

"What did I miss?" Laura noticed

"Oh nothing. He and I decided to be friends for now" 

She laughed as if she didn't believe me

"Laura? What was that about?" I ask eagerly following her

"Nothing. Its just that friends don't look at each other like that" she smiles and nudges me.

This 'just friends' thing would be a lot more difficult than I thought.

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