Chapter 40

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"What do you mean I have to see a counselor?!" I was frustrated as I stood in the living room because of the news my parents had just told me. 

They had booked an appointment for me to see a counselor. It was only early morning and I was getting ready for school.

"Well Maya, we're worried about you. You need help and it's ok to ask for help. That's what we are here for. You haven't exactly been in your happiest mood lately and it's better to talk to someone about it now rather than later when it gets worse" my mum explains.

"You know what, I'm getting late for school. I have to go" I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.

The whole way there, my mind was on what my parents had said. Was I really not on my best mood lately? I'm human; everyone has their sad days every now and then. Reaching the school gates, I knew I was already late and headed straight to my first class. Without even apologizing for my lateness, I walked over to my seat.

"You're late, I'm going to have to see a late pass" my teacher says as the whole class faces me.

"Don't have one" 

The teacher wouldn't continue with the class until I left the class for a late pass. Therefore, I slammed my bag on the table and walked out rolling my eyes.

"I need a late pass, had some family issues. First name Maya last name Francis" I say to one of the ladies at the main office.

It didn't take her long to print out a small receipt that had all my details on it as to why I was late and exactly what time I showed up. I took it back to class and handed it to my teacher while walking back to my seat. Most of my time was spent clicking my pen and looking at the clock every few minutes. Time was going slower than ever. I really didn't want to be at school today. 

"Ok class, don't forget to read chapter seven, you're going to need that knowledge tomorrow" my biology teacher explained as everyone was packing their bags for the next class.

The rest of the day gladly went by quick. I was mostly quiet amongst my friends during our break and wasn't contributing much to the conversation. I was currently at my locker taking out my thick biology book to take home. 

"Can you believe that's her" 

"I know right, what a gold digger" 

I heard soft muffles and whispering as I still had my locker wide open. I turn around and I see a few students pointing at me as they walked by whispering to their friends. I furrow my eyebrows and my mind has never been more confused.

"I'll just save you the trouble. Everybody thinks you're a freak" I see Alison approaching me with her little useless gang who pretty much suck up to her for her popularity.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"That boyband member you're dating? No need to fool everyone, you're probably using him for his money and fame. Look at you and look at him" she scoffs crossing her arms.

"That's not true. It's nothing like that" I feel my heart racing. Flashbacks of last year begin to take over my head.

"Save it for the media. I just hope you know you're the most hated girl in school right now. Look at you, using your dad to get famous guys to go out with you. Soon Joel Pimentel or whatever his name is will realize what a messed up freak you are and probably dump you for someone hotter" she laughs walking away as her little minions laugh with her.

I was left in complete shock. I could feel the lump in my throat just stuck there. Maybe she's right; maybe Joel can do better. She did say I was the most hated girl in school right now and that made matters even worse. I was making my way out of the school gates and feel my phone vibrate. It was Joel.

'I'm so sorry angel I can't come to pick you up. I need to pick Gabe up since he can't get a ride home today' I let out a loud sigh in annoyance and reply back.

'Don't worry about it'

With a blank facial expression, I began to walk home. I was honestly starting to become even more down than I was this morning. This day has been too much. There's only one thing that can fix this; sleeping my problems away along with food. Unfortunately, my mother had a different idea in mind. 

"Quickly get changed so I can drop you off to your appointment" Right, I forgot about that.

I threw on anything and didn't bother with makeup. I refused to have anything to eat until I was back home. 

"Just call me when you finish your first session. Remember, don't hold anything inside, these guys are trained professionals they will not judge you" my mum says. We were both seated at the waiting room after getting checked in.

"Mhm" all my attention was on the phone and I had no interest in being here.

"Maya Francis?" A lady walks out of one of the rooms and looks around the lounge for an answer.

I stand up and make my way to her as my mum left. The first session was pretty much spent getting to know me. My likes, dislikes, my relationship status, if I was a smoker or drinker. Everything you could think of. After all that was done, then she moved on to the more personal questions. She wanted to know everything that was going in my life right now. I figured if my parents are paying for these sessions, might as well be honest. I began to tell everything; about my relationship, about the death of Natasha, about my bullying at school that had recently started.  She had a notepad and was writing things down as I kept talking.

"I felt so useless, I- I feel like I could have stopped her on time and prevented the accident" a tear dropped from my eye and I quickly moved it while sniffling. "Sorry" 

"No don't be, its ok to cry. It's natural" she hands me a full box of tissues as I began to pull some out.

After I was done talking, she made me rate my mood of the day with a piece of paper that had smiley faces then a neutral mood and then a sad face. I was stuck between neutral and sad. The rest of the session was spent pretty much doing pointless mental exercise that related to my mood. 

"Well, that concludes our session for today. Thank you for coming in. Now, is your mother still outside?" She asks standing up.

"She should be. I'll go check" I stood up to leave the room and see my mum still waiting. "I think she wants you" I tell her as she stands up and makes her way to the room.

"Maya could you please give us a minute? I just need to talk to your mother really quick" the lady gives me a soft smile.

I left the room and stood outside. My mother hadn't completely shut the door and it was still open. Therefore, I could hear everything.

"So I've been talking to your daughter and according to my assessment, she may be developing or may have already developed bipolar disorder and depression. Nothing is certain yet, I still have a few more sessions with her but I just thought I'd let you know now"

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