Chapter 29

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Erick and I jumped apart as soon we hear Chris barge in. I don't blame him, it is his room.

"I'm sorry did I disturb something?" He asks looking shocked yet confused.

"No it's ok. Erick just had something on his face that's all" I lied. "Anyway's I have to go find Joel" I made an excuse to leave the room.

I facepalmed myself as I left. I can't believe I let Erick do that. I should have known better. By now, the weather was turning into heavy rains and soon into thunder. Everyone who was outside had finally come inside. I was walking downstairs while looking for Joel all over the house. I finally see him standing in one corner with Sophia.

"Sorry that took long" I say approaching the two of them.

"Have you seen Erick?" Sophia asks.

"Yeah he's upstairs" I reply.

"You were upstairs with Erick?" Joel asks.

"No no, he was just showing me the bathroom that's all"

Sophia runs upstairs leaving Joel and I finally alone. I just wrap my arms around his torso and rest my head on his chest.

"You ok?" He asks.

"I just missed you all night. That's all" I smile up at him.

He hugs me as well and we stood there in one corner not moving a single muscle. The weather by now had gotten a lot worse. We could hear the striking of thunder outside and it was close to becoming a hurricane. It was also getting late and people were starting to go home.

"I don't know how you're going to drive in this weather" I tell Joel as I was looking out the house window.

"Stay over at my house tonight. It's too dangerous to drive in this weather" Chris replies.

At this point, it was only the boys and I left. Everyone else had gone home and the house was almost empty. I called my mum and told her I would be staying the night at Chris's house with everyone else because of the weather. We all managed to find space in the living room. We decided to get settled before we would start a movie. Joel, Zabdiel and I on one couch. Erick sitting on the ground while Richard and Chris on the other couch. Joel was in the middle while we had a blanket to cover us in this cold. We had turned the lights off and Chris started to flick through the movies on Netflix.

"How about Lights Out?" Chris asks.

"No!" I yell while the others yelled "Yes!" At the same time. We all looked at each other and busted out laughing.

"I hate horror movies" I whine.

"It's ok, you have me" Joel puts his arm around me.

"Aw that's so cute" Chris mocks us as I stick my tongue out at him.

We had the left-over junk food from the party spread out onto the ground along with the drinks. The movie had started and I was already hating it. I leaned down to grab a packet of chips while still staying on the couch. This caused me to make a lot of noise as the plastic wrapper was interrupting the movie.

"Shhh" all the boys whisper yell at the same time.

"Jeez sorry" I reply with annoyance.

A while later I leaned my head against the couch head and closed my eyes.

Joel's POV

I was disturbed by the sound of light snoring and when I looked to my right, I see Maya asleep with her head against the couch.

"I'll take that" Chris gets up and grabs the bag of chips in Maya's hand.

I've known Maya for a while now. I'm pretty sure she agreed to watch this movie just for the sake of the food. The movie was finishing and we were all becoming sleepy as well. I didn't want to move my arm from under her or else I'll just wake her up. Lightly peeling my body off her arm, I managed to move away. The boys were getting ready for bed while I was just planning on sleeping with Maya on the couch. I slide into the blanket next to her which caused her to move her body and moan.

"It's ok baby it's just me" I whisper while looking at her.

"Joel?" She moans sleepily.

"I'm right here" I kiss her hand and she falls back asleep.

*9:00 am*

Today we had rehearsals and sound check for our show tonight and I had asked Maya to come along.

"Sure, I mean it's not like I have anything better to do" she replies as she takes a bite out of her pancakes.

"Alright cool" I smile.

She was currently sitting on one of the stools in the kitchen while eating her breakfast on the counter. I was leaning on the counter just scrolling through Instagram and Twitter. Just then, Chris and Erick walk in looking through the cupboards.

"Maya's coming with us by the way" I inform them.

"Of course she is" Erick says under his breath as he continues to look for food.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" Maya snaps at him and whips her head around to him in annoyance.

"Maya calm down" I tell her.

This isn't like her. She's always so calm but these past few days; her and Erick have been acting quite different around each other. Maya just rolls her eyes, lets out a sigh and jumps off the stool while putting her plate in the sink and heading out.

"What...was that about?" Chris asks as we all froze.

I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored it. She's probably in one of her moods. I don't want to pester her about it because then she will eat my head off. It wasn't long until we were told to get into the car to head off to rehearsals.

"Hey you ok?" I ask Maya who was sitting next to me and looking out the window.

She just nods and gives me a sweet smile before looking out of the window again. It wasn't long until we had reached the empty stadium. We began to set up while Maya kept following me around everywhere I went like a lost puppy.

"Why don't you go rape the food table" I tell her while grabbing my microphone from one of the stage helpers.

"Food table? Where?" She excitedly looks around.

I just laugh and shake my head as she runs off. I on the other hand, had to get started with rehearsal. We first started off with 'Mamita' and had continued on to the next few songs. An hour had passed and we were told to take a break. Our microphones weren't wireless so just for the time being, they had wires attached to them. I then see Maya walking out on to the stage and looking around in awe. Erick was on the other end of the stage from me and was fixing the wires on his microphone while Maya was walking in the same direction as him but looking all around. As soon as her leg came in contact with Ericks wire, they became tangled around her, she lost her balance and was about to fall dangerously off the stage because her back was facing towards the empty audience seats

"Maya watch out!" I yell.

However, it was too late. Within a blink of an eye, Maya had tripped over Ericks wire and fell backwards off the stage. We all heard a loud thud and snapped our heads around. Running towards the edge of the stage worried we see Maya already in tears and she was wincing in pain. Without hesitation we all ran down the stage to where Maya seemed even more distressed as each second had passed. She hadn't just fell; she completely twisted her ankle because of the way she fell.

A/N: Ok to be honest, if I saw someone fall like this in real life I would just laugh but also feel bad about it. Ok yeah I'm a terrible human I'm just gonna leave this here.   

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