Last Author's Note

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Did you enjoyed Make Me Come? That will be the last chapter you'll read here and I'll focus on Thrust Me Harder now. Thank you so much for supporting Make Me Come! I hope you enjoyed the adventures and misadventures of Shekainah and Dan! :) I'll be posting the details regarding the surprise soon. Just wait for the official announcement. :)

And now, let me share to you the prologue of Thrust Me Harder. I'll be placing on the external link the link on the next story. See you there when I see you! ;)


Staring at the tall gates of the headquarters, I lost count on how many times I had been gulping hard since I decided to go here. My mind is starting to have a battle of its own, battling whether my decision of heading here is right and I won't regret this later on.

I can clearly remember gathering all the courage I have all the way here but the moment I'm stood here in front of this tall gate, it seemed like everything vanished with the cold wind which blew earlier.

I closed my eyes and I saw a picture of her smiling face. Her happy smile which never failed to radiate to those who are with her.

She was more than an enough reason for me to endure this.

The gates opened and I was welcomed by a man wearing a black suit. He guided me towards a shrine located to our right. It looked like an old shrine that is well-maintained. The moment I entered the shrine, someone closed the door which made me glance nervously on it.

Amidst of the darkness in the shrine, another man showed and grinned at me. "It was such a brave thing for you to enter our turf. Are you even aware of what's about to happen young lad?"

I nervously nodded. Shaun had already informed me of everything that's about to happen during initiation rights. I was well informed before I decided to go here.

"Then let's start."

I was surprised when I heard a loud noise of a pig somewhere followed by a strong scent of an incense. A few moments later, we were engulfed by a deafening silence. My heart thumped wildly when a man approached us and handed the man in front of me a wine glass. He motioned the glass to me, a sign that I had to drink its contents. When the liquid touched my taste buds, I shut my eyes tightly. It was a mixture of wine and fresh blood. It took me a lot of courage not to vomit the liquid.

Upon emptying the glass, he handed me a scroll. I opened the scroll. If I'm no mistaken, Shaun told me that this is the 36 oaths.

"Read it and walk towards the altar. Throw the scroll on the fire there then raise your three fingers on your left hand."

I did what he asked. While I was reading the contents of the scroll, it was then that I noticed the guys who were holding the sword on the way to the altar.

After having entered the Fang gates I must treat the parents and relatives of my sworn brothers as my own kin. I shall suffer death by five thunderbolts if I do not keep this oath.

I shall assist my sworn brothers to bury their parents and brothers by offering financial or physical assistance. I shall be killed by five thunderbolts if I pretend to have no knowledge of their troubles.

When Fang brothers visit my house, I shall provide them with board and lodging. I shall be killed by myriads of knives if I treat them as strangers.

Make Me ComeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon